Mum of a 19 year old girl who has autism

I'm looking for any sort of advice,my daughter has autism and although it's been hard for her she's always had my support with everything,she's recently been saying some awful hurtful things like she had a bad childhood and how I'm such an awful person and she'll make up all these events (which didn't happen) , it's gotten to the point where I've ended up saying I don't think you should live with us anymore (myself and her siblings) so she took off ,the problem is I can't sleep because even though she's so hurtful towards me I can't help but worry about her,has anyone had a similar experience,people say I'm right and I shouldn't put up with it and I always make excuses for her because of her autism 

  • I can’t know what your relationship was like with your daughter growing up. But so many parents put such pressure on their autistic kids to be ‘normal.’ And they even tell themselves they’re doing it for their kids good. But it breaks them.

    plus parents of autistic kids can be very overprotective and it can really screw up their kids too.

    it’s like parents see their kids struggle in social situations so they try to keep them from them, to keep them getting hurt, taken advantage of. But really to give their kids the best chance of having a decent childhood they need to push them towards social situations.

    I can’t know if that’s what it was like for you and your daughter though.

  • I can’t know what your relationship was like with your daughter growing up. But so many parents put such pressure on their autistic kids to be ‘normal.’ And they even tell themselves they’re doing it for their kids good. But it breaks them.

    plus parents of autistic kids can be very overprotective and it can really screw up their kids too.

    it’s like parents see their kids struggle in social situations so they try to keep them from them, to keep them getting hurt, taken advantage of. But really to give their kids the best chance of having a decent childhood they need to push them towards social situations.

    I can’t know if that’s what it was like for you and your daughter though.

  • Although she's had extra support mainly for when she's been down and got stuck, she's always been encouraged to do as much "normal" things as she wanted to, she's been using the bus alone since 14 and a half as I always wanted her to be as independent as possible,I'm happy for her to move out but I just feel she needs some sort of support even if it's a very relaxed version of supported housing