Young adults with no friends


I was wondering how many young adults (roughly between the ages of 18-25) have joined this forum like me due to feeling lonely/without friends. I thought maybe if we all posted a bit of info about ourselves we may find people who are have similar interests and hobbies. And hopefully find some friends.

So I’ll start buy sharing a bit about me:

My name is Jasmine, I’m 23 years old. Unfortunately still single. I work evening/nights at a supermarket. I have high functioning autism and crippling anxiety. I enjoy watching tv and movies (I’ve just started re-watching Harry Potter.) I play the piano and I’m attempting to teach myself the ukulele. I enjoy cooking and baking. I am trying to complete an online course which is equivalent to doing a levels but have lost motivation for it right now. (Going to restart in the new year) I was home educated in year 9 due to bullying and I have never really found a friend who understands me or accepts me for who I am. 

  • Hi Jasmine, that sounds like you have a lot of interesting stuff going on. I am a 22 year old male and also single, I like football and I go with my friend who’s also autistic. I have been looking to meet more people also, I like going to different groups to meet people. Making friends just takes time, you need to have a connection with someone first. Sorry to hear you are still single, hopefully you find someone soon. I also enjoy cooking, don’t really bake much though.

  • Hey, thanks for taking your time to reply. I wish my anxiety wasn’t so bad, I don’t think I could handle meeting new people in a group setting. I think it’s just because nearly every person I have tried to be friends with has ended up being nasty towards me. I do try with the people I work with but I’m always the person people talk to when there’s no one better to talk to. If that makes sense, they come to me when they need help but it’s never works both ways. They would never help me.

    Im trying to forget about the idea of having a boyfriend. I was quite content with being single until recently. There was this one guy that I really liked and then I found out he wasn’t single. He was a few years older than me anyway, had graduated uni and was just too good for me! Then this other guy, he is super sweet and lovely but he got mixed up with a nasty friend. I overheard a conversation they were having about me and now the awkwardness between us is painful. So I think being single makes life a lot simpler.

     It’s cool that you like football, do you play football or watch (or both) I’m absolutely hopeless at sports! But enjoy watching it, do you have a favourite football club/team? You say you like cooking, what sort of food do you like to cook?

  • Yeh anxiety is common for autistic people, there’s an autistic girl at one of my groups and she always has panic attacks and just leaves without telling anyone. So you’re not the only one. Yeh meeting someone just comes by chance, I met someone a few weeks ago and liked her so went on a date then found out she wasn’t the one for me. So I’m back on the wagon again looking to meet someone haha. I like to go to football games, and I’m looking to join a football group where I can play with other guys and maybe make more friends in the new year. My favourite football team is Celtic FC. What about you? I like to cook spaghetti, chicken, mince pie, tuna pasta, soup and cheesy pasta. Can you bake cakes?

  • That’s good, I enjoyed my Christmas dinner thanks. I hope you enjoyed yours. At least you didn’t have to make anything this year. 

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