So many questions!

So, I literally have so many questions following receipt of Autism (Very High / High) test results from leading UK Autisum Charity and then listening to 40+ podcasts and 2 AudioBook (inc Unmarking Autism) since last Thursday. I would like to reach out to a kind hearted soul who can help guide me as a highly masked 50+ who hasn't got a clue but wants to be the best role model/father/husband/friend he can be….

  • Hi and welcome, there’s loads of nice people to chat with  here. Autistic people aren’t poor communicators, we communicate just fine with other autistic people. It’s just the rest of the world we struggle with.  I’m 55 and autism only came onto my radar a year ago. It is a bit of a shock when all the pieces start coming together.  I hope you find your answers.

  • Hi and welcome, there’s loads of nice people to chat with  here. Autistic people aren’t poor communicators, we communicate just fine with other autistic people. It’s just the rest of the world we struggle with.  I’m 55 and autism only came onto my radar a year ago. It is a bit of a shock when all the pieces start coming together.  I hope you find your answers.
