Hello all.

I'm new, thought I'd just say hello to you all.

I'm still awaiting an official autism diagnosis, I'm on the NHS waiting list for an assessment, but there's a 3 year waiting list, I'm on it. 

I've only recently looked for an diagnosis, now I'm 54. Yet I didn't really consider myself to be autistic until fairly recently, as everyone's normal is different. I don't think an official diagnosis would be life changing for me, but it would be nice to put that final piece of jigsaw in place. 

It's only been over these last few days that I've actually spoken openly about it. It's just something I've carried with me all of my life, hidden it within the best way that i can, as no doubt a lot of us try to do.

After browsing a few posts on here, It's certainly helped and I can see a collation between myself & others on here. 

  • Welcome. I was 56 when I was diagnosed. Many of us were the lost generation. 

    Yes you'll be in for a long NHS wait, but meanwhile we are here and you can dig the rabbit hole. You'll know more than your assessors by the time your turn comes.

  • Thanks for the welcome, maybe I'll have a diagnosis before I'm 60 with a bit of luck. To be honest it was only until Paddy McGuinness' wife came out recently, that actually made me think about myself. It's weird really, as I actually support adults with learning difficulties at work, some of which also have autism. So I know about autism to some degree, but for some strange reason I didn't see it within myself, until I really thought about it. The more I thought & looked back over my life, the more It all made sense. As my life is my norm to me. 

  • Thanks for the welcome, maybe I'll have a diagnosis before I'm 60 with a bit of luck. To be honest it was only until Paddy McGuinness' wife came out recently, that actually made me think about myself. It's weird really, as I actually support adults with learning difficulties at work, some of which also have autism. So I know about autism to some degree, but for some strange reason I didn't see it within myself, until I really thought about it. The more I thought & looked back over my life, the more It all made sense. As my life is my norm to me. 

  • Ditto on the job front, it's the only job where I've really felt that I fit in, reason I've been doing the job for over 15 years now & really enjoy it most of the time, even as you'll know the pay & working conditions are very poor within the care industry. I'm also a lone worker, which really helps. 

  • Welcome to the forum phoenixboy, It was funny that you mentioned the Christine McGuiness documentary, that's what first got me thinking about autism too. I'm also on the waiting list for the NHS... Though I have done a private pre assessment which suggested I am Autistic. You'll find this forum an excellent source of support and information. Good luck 

  • I work with adults with learning difficulties and autism.  Get on with them more on a personal level than other staff.  Did i think i was autistic? Hell no!

    Wasn't until i read into and looked back on my life i was like.....ohhhhh, thats the problemGrinning

  • Slight smileit took me 2 weeks reading on this forum until I self-identified as autistic 9 months before official diagnosis. Before I had no real idea what it means,