Any other Autistic adults in Northern Ireland?

Hi new to site and would like to connect with others in NI. Sat accidently beside another person with autism  at a works "do" today, and it took a lot to get myself there..... what a difference, what a positive experience and I would appreciate meeting others if anyone feels the same it would be good to hear from you.  

  • I’m in Belfast but my crippling social anxiety limits who I meet and how often. That ‘it took a lot to get me there’ of yours I understand very well, Janet. But it’s nice to know there are a few NI ones on here. Feeling very anomalous today (some days are worse than others) for complicated reasons and came on here for a bit of reassurance that I’m not completely so. This thread was a nice one to see on a day when my anxiety is very high and my sense of disconnect from NT thinking quite pronounced.

    Anyway, you all seem very nice. I’m a 45 year old bloke by the way, so maybe the oldest to respond so far? Just diagnosed this year and it was a huge relief to know, even if it’s no magic bullet for life’s challenges 

  • Hi  good to meet you here, hope your day has gotten better. Its great ti see so many replies and the group idea you mentioned would maybe get a lot of interest. I am 53 so you're not the oldest to reply Slight smile

  • It’s been a strange day. I lay down for a nap at 4 pM and have only just woken up. Thought it was tomorrow at first! Hope you’ve had a good day too. 

  • Ghosts of Christmas Present then 

  • Blush think there's to be another Christmas special this year Blush 

  • So that's what you meant about them all knowing each other for years. I think you can tell, from the few tiny bits I've seen of it.

  • No, you’re not the only one. The notifications seem to be random. It definitely doesn’t work properly. Most of the replies I’ve only become aware of by reading through the entire thread again. 

    I love horrible histories. Both the tv show and the books. I’ve set my box to record Ghosts but I think there’s only two episodes left so I’ve missed most of them. Maybe they’ll repeat it sometime. Another Christmas special would be nice too Slight smile 

  • Hi Zoe yes thats the one Blush horrible histories os a great show too. Hope you liked it? Ps I I the only one who doesn't get post or reply  notifications? 

  • Janet, is that Ghosts the one with the cast from horrible histories? 

  • No way that's a great side bar.I googled the details there. That'll be cool to see her back with those fond memories you have Blush I cried when they regenerated Christopher Eccleston and Barty crouch appeared, but he definitely grew on me....I tapered off when David Tennant left and never saw the lady doctor at all. John sim and  Michelle gomez where awesome villans. Thank you and I must get back to work lol

  • P.S. Bit of an odd side-bar (but why not? It’s not uncommon on here) but I’ve always liked the name Janet, as my favourite Doctor Who companion is played by an actress with that name. She’s back next week actually, wonderfully and improbably, after nearly forty years off the telly. Anyway, bit of a tangent! But since we’re all talking about things we like, maybe not so off topic. 

  • P.S. Bit of an odd side-bar (but why not? It’s not uncommon on here) but I’ve always liked the name Janet, as my favourite Doctor Who companion is played by an actress with that name. She’s back next week actually, wonderfully and improbably, after nearly forty years off the telly. Anyway, bit of a tangent! But since we’re all talking about things we like, maybe not so off topic. 

  • No way that's a great side bar.I googled the details there. That'll be cool to see her back with those fond memories you have Blush I cried when they regenerated Christopher Eccleston and Barty crouch appeared, but he definitely grew on me....I tapered off when David Tennant left and never saw the lady doctor at all. John sim and  Michelle gomez where awesome villans. Thank you and I must get back to work lol