Any other Autistic adults in Northern Ireland?

Hi new to site and would like to connect with others in NI. Sat accidently beside another person with autism  at a works "do" today, and it took a lot to get myself there..... what a difference, what a positive experience and I would appreciate meeting others if anyone feels the same it would be good to hear from you.  

  • I’m in Belfast but my crippling social anxiety limits who I meet and how often. That ‘it took a lot to get me there’ of yours I understand very well, Janet. But it’s nice to know there are a few NI ones on here. Feeling very anomalous today (some days are worse than others) for complicated reasons and came on here for a bit of reassurance that I’m not completely so. This thread was a nice one to see on a day when my anxiety is very high and my sense of disconnect from NT thinking quite pronounced.

    Anyway, you all seem very nice. I’m a 45 year old bloke by the way, so maybe the oldest to respond so far? Just diagnosed this year and it was a huge relief to know, even if it’s no magic bullet for life’s challenges 

  • I’m in Belfast but my crippling social anxiety limits who I meet and how often. That ‘it took a lot to get me there’ of yours I understand very well, Janet. But it’s nice to know there are a few NI ones on here. Feeling very anomalous today (some days are worse than others) for complicated reasons and came on here for a bit of reassurance that I’m not completely so. This thread was a nice one to see on a day when my anxiety is very high and my sense of disconnect from NT thinking quite pronounced.

    Anyway, you all seem very nice. I’m a 45 year old bloke by the way, so maybe the oldest to respond so far? Just diagnosed this year and it was a huge relief to know, even if it’s no magic bullet for life’s challenges 
