Looking to chat to parents with verbal children

Good evening, 

my name is Amy and my son Archie is 8 years old and has been diagnosed with autism last week. He is verbal but suffers from melt downs easily and can become violet towards others and in particular children if he loses at things and takes things very personal. He has super low self esteem. Is there anyone who is in a similar situation that could shed some light as we are still very much not sure on what to expect regarding doctors and school. We have an appointment with school next week and we have just received our report today so will be going to see our doctors Monday. 
thanks guys

  • Hello!

    We have a daughter who is younger than your son (4.5) and are currently awaiting an appointment with the paediatric development team for assessment. She has suspected high functioning ASD / Aspergers.

    Our daughter has always been sensitive to loud noises from a very young age. At her 2 year review (over the phone because of COVID), I raised this as well as issues with aggressive biting (parents only) and a few other things (e.g. needing routine).

    She will not speak to other children (at school or with us) even when they are in her face trying to get her attention - she appears not to recognise social cues in that respect. She is verbal, loves maths and reading etc. People describe her as 'always on the go'.

    When excited / overwhelmed she either shakes or jumps up and down flapping her hands, then becomes non-verbal for example licking us, or making random noises (usually meowing/woofing). She has difficulty transitioning between activities at home, or when planned / non-planned routine changes. Her eye contact is limited.

    When overstimulated / tired, she sometimes spins in circles  and has difficulty switching off and calming down for sleep.

    Recently she told us colours have an order, and the other day she sorted all her toys in the bath in colour groups after the bath was emptied.

    The Health Visitor did the ages & stages questionnaires with us and on the social/emotional she scored 190, minimum for referral is 95.

    But our main problem at the moment is biting/hitting etc. She bites because she finds it difficult to express her feelings. We have tried trying to get her to tell us how she feels, but to no avail. She only bites us, and all reports from preschool / school say they have never seen this behaviour from her.

    It's so hard when the become like this, isn't it? We find friends and family don't really understand.

    I hope you get on well with your appointments and that the school is supportive.

  • Thankyou for you reply, bless your daughter, my son also finds activities hard to change. He has very very low self esteem and reassurance is given all the time. He rocked a lot of a baby and toddler but has seemed to have outgrown it. If he is excited he comes and a very big high. Can’t not contain his excitement and becomes very fidgety and the noises are out of control. 
    good luck with your assessments 

  • Thankyou for you reply, bless your daughter, my son also finds activities hard to change. He has very very low self esteem and reassurance is given all the time. He rocked a lot of a baby and toddler but has seemed to have outgrown it. If he is excited he comes and a very big high. Can’t not contain his excitement and becomes very fidgety and the noises are out of control. 
    good luck with your assessments 

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