
My almost 8 year old son has just been diagnosed with Autism. I was convinced he has ADHD so it's come as a bit of a surprise! Any advice woud be appreciated. Thanks Blush

  • I fail to have supreme faith in the opinions of others about myself or my loved ones.  That doesn't mean that I disregard the opinions of others, but I do maintain a healthy alert status and continue to suck up facts and observations in any situation that provides further enlightenment.

    If I were you, I would not stop (or now start in earnest) reading, watching and learning as much as you possibly can about the two "labels" you currently have in your mind for your son.  Knowledge is power.  Watch him, love him, and keep yourselves sane - with that love, not the label.

  • It's possible that he has both, but congrats on the diagnosis, they take forever!

    make sure you have the conversation with him, we appreciate being treated like everyone else and actually knowing what is going on. xx

  • dont force him into a mould or a box. encourage his special interests and dont take meltdowns personally. hes going to be surrounded by people calling him weird, obsessive, and an outsider all his life. dont let it start with his parents traumatising him.