
Hello there I'm Beky. I was diagnosed a few years ago in 2016 I find life on the spectrum extremely difficult. I have severe anxiety I don't go out much defos avoid people I can't breathe around others. I also have fibromyalgia in pain all the time.

I spend a lot of my time watching Doctor Who. It's my fav thing! I also like to collect antiques. My Grandad was in the antique trade and owned a shop I used to spend hours in there looking through all the stuff, some things he gave me. I'm 22 now and I've still got so many antiques lol I love them.

I like writing but can't now because of my pains.

Looking forward to being here and chatting.

  • Hi, welcome to the forum. I collect old pocket watches and watch chains. I also have a collection of antiquities, mostly Greek and Roman, but also some Egyptian things, probably the oldest is an ushabti (funerary figurine) in blue faience from the 22nd dynasty.

  • Hi, welcome to the forum. I collect old pocket watches and watch chains. I also have a collection of antiquities, mostly Greek and Roman, but also some Egyptian things, probably the oldest is an ushabti (funerary figurine) in blue faience from the 22nd dynasty.
