
Hello all, I'm Alice I was diagnosed last year after a lot of waiting and now I feel both relieved and a little like what's next. I'm nearing 30 years old in a few years and I don't have much to show for it. I'm here to be a part of it all I suppose. No one in my family believe in ASD they see I'm just hiding behind it to get out of work etc which isn't true. I've applied many times it's just people never get back to me or give me chance. 

I've already made some messages here. Good to know you all.

  • Hi Alice,

    im sorry that your family lack the understanding and empathy that you have every right to expect from them - that’s such a shame. They are displaying a lot of ignorance about autism in their response to your diagnosis - you deserve better. It’s very damaging to our confidence and our self esteem when our families aren’t supportive. There’s lots of solidarity and support on here though - so you will always find friends on here who understand. x 

  • Hello Kate, it's nice to see you again.

    Everyone in my family except my older sister doesn't understand me. I was try to think of the right word but you are right it is ignorance. I wish they would try to understand but they don't they never have. I try hard to be normal for them and mask myself every day but it's tiring and drains me. My older sister was always there for me but she since is marry and has her own family now.

    I hope you have an understanding and supportive family around you :) It sounds like you give a lot so I hope you get equal back.

    NAS community seems a supportive and nice place to be in. I'm glad I find it when I did :) 

  • Hi Alice, 

    You shouldn’t have to mask in your own home - that’s really not ok that you feel you have to do that. 

    My husband and children are hugely supportive (they are autistic themselves which is probably partly why!) but my parents were not supportive (they didn’t know I was autistic either). 
    I had a very difficult time with my parents - as a child and an adult - because they didn’t ‘get’ me - didn’t understand or support me. It’s a difficult thing to grow up with parents who cannot understand you - so i empathise with your situation. Try to remember that it’s not your fault. x 

  • Thank you dear Kate that is a kind and most appreciate thing to do. I thank you dearly from my soul :) 

    I do hope to have child in time and will use my own experience to give them the best possible life I can.

    I send you best wishes also.

  • Thank you Alice :)

    I can understand this - sometimes we don’t have much choice - I’m sorry you feel like this. 
    I’m sure that if you ever have children you won’t make the same mistake your parents are making. You will learn from their mistakes - which is a good thing. 

    in the meantime I’m sending you best wishes and solidarity x 

  • Thank you Alice :)

    I can understand this - sometimes we don’t have much choice - I’m sorry you feel like this. 
    I’m sure that if you ever have children you won’t make the same mistake your parents are making. You will learn from their mistakes - which is a good thing. 

    in the meantime I’m sending you best wishes and solidarity x 

  • Thank you dear Kate that is a kind and most appreciate thing to do. I thank you dearly from my soul :) 

    I do hope to have child in time and will use my own experience to give them the best possible life I can.

    I send you best wishes also.