Being Denied Assessment

Hi guys 

Wondering if anyone can help. A psychiatrist saw me and said she believed I was in the autistic spectrum and wrote a detailed letter to my doctor saying this and also that I should self refer to integrated autism services for support. I believed this to be my diagnosis but after two years of telling people I had autism I found out recently that it wasn't  a diagnosis 

I was told  this by my mental health team and that I could only get a full diagnosis from integrated autism services. They have said that it's not them but my mental health team that need to do the assessment as I am under their care for depression and anxiety . 

I'm really overwhelmed by all this and don't know where to turn . I've spent the last few years coming to terms with the fact I've got autism and making sense of my past. I don't know who I am anymore. 



Parents Reply
  • Thanks Jamie . I'm not sure that I communicated very well

     . Each department has told me that it's the other department  to sort out a diagnosis . They didnt say it should be done by a mental health social worker though.

    If I'd known I hadn't been given a full diagnosis I would have pursued it further . I feel like my identity is gone and I can't stop thinking and worrying  . 

    Thanks for your advice . Fi

  • This is unfortunate, you should definitely not worry about it. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Best wishes from a (link removed by Mod)

  • Thank you very much. I've had bouts of depression every now and then but nothing too major. However, the past few months have been incredibly difficult and they seem to be getting worse by the week. (Link removed by Mod)

  • Thank you Anne. I appreciate your reply and helpful message . Good advice . Cheers 

  • Thank You for taking the time to write to me. It means a lot . Best wishes to you too.

  • Hi, It sounds very stressful and unsettling but maybe you can draw on some inner certainty. There is a reason you asked for a diagnosis, the psychiatrist agreed that you are autistic (even if this isn't accepted as an official diagnosis) and you probably identified with it too? You are still the same person that you were before you realised that this diagnosis is not officially recognised- I think it helps to remind yourself that you know yourself best and that this cannot change your identity. I know it's not that simple but maybe telling yourself this will help with the feeling of "loss of identity"? I hope you can get a full diagnosis soon. 

  • I’m so sorry this happened - it seems like they weren’t clear enough with you and now the rug’s been pulled out from under you. I hope you get the assessment you need and that it settles your mind again. Best wishes to you.