
Hello my name's Taylor, 

I feel kind of nervous being here which is ridiculous because it's online but anything social really puts me on edge and makes me feel anxious. Deep breaths! I have autism which is why I've come here. I'm not sure what I hope to get from this, I guess just that sense of being with others, even though it's online. I'm on my own now since 2016 when my mum passed away and I lost my dad when I was thirteen. Losing dad was hard, losing mum was the hardest thing yet. Life is tough and it feels like it's constantly getting tougher, like a game where a really horrible person is constantly doing awful things to you. My health is bad now as well. Not really coping with everything that's happened and is happening but I'm trying to stay afloat and still be happy and enjoy things. It's not always easy but I try! I really enjoy computer programming and reading and learning new things. I'm a bit of a nerd, but that's my life. I've already read and learnt so much but I love that there's always still so much to discover and learn about! I used to bore my mum silly about all the things I was learning about at the time, like space, dinosaurs, poisons... Whatever took my interest at the time! Poor mum!!! I work as a programmer but I'm not doing as much now since I got sick. I do what I can when I'm feeling well enough. I do like to get myself outside every day if I can, I love feeling the wind in my hair, smelling the summer air and possibly doing a bit of painting if I can. Even in dark times I try to let light in to brighten things up. I wish there was more help and support for people with autism, I get no help for my autism issues. That's another reason why I came here. But for now I'll start with hello, I hope you've had a great day! ^-^

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  • Hello thank you Desmond! I find it's easy to lose enthusiasm with it. If a bit of code isn't going right and looks like it's going nowhere I lose enthusiasm but my brain kicks in and wants to find the solution as fast as possible! I started programming at school and haven't looked back since. I love it. Do you mind if I ask what you decided to do instead? I still love to code but can't do as much now. I wish my health was my wealth but sadly not at the moment.