Fear of medication

Does anyone else on here freak out if they are prescribed medication by a doctor? I’ve had a couple of bad experiences in the past with side effects from medication and Now I almost have a phobia about any medication and possible side effects. Does anyone else have this? 

  • Yep! All long term medications worry me. Even the lanszoprolzole for my hernia bothers me.

    I absolutely will not accept medication for anxiety, despite heavy pressure to do so further fuelling my fear of doctors. I just wish they'd leave the issue alone. Any side effect, or even the fear of side effects would make my medical fears worse.

    Now that I know I'm autistic, I'm pleased I never caved in. Apparently some of those things can either have zero beneficial effect for us, or give us a ton of side effects. Not that I'm psychotic, but one or two of the anti psychotic can even cause autistic catatonia, apparently.

  • I so relate to what you’ve written here Dawn. I really struggle in a very similar way. I have wondered in the past if autistic people are more sensitive to medication and have more side effects. One thing I do know is that women often have more side effects - because the dosage of most drugs is designed in a ‘one dose fits all’ way - and women are usually smaller and lighter so the dosages are in essence higher for women. 
    I also have a fear of doctors and hospitals etc.  I spent 16 weeks in hospital when I was a toddler and I wonder if it started with that experience. Either way my anxiety about medical things is now severe. I’m exhausted by all the anxiety I live with on a daily basis, 

  • I sorry you're going through this but it is comforting to know I'm not the only one. 

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  • Yes, me too. It’s been so good to join this community and realise that other people have similar struggles. In the past I’ve always blamed myself. My Dad always used to say I was “being silly” when I had fears about things. I felt terrible when he said things like that. We knew nothing about autism - it wasn’t on our radar at all.