
Hi there I'm Paige. I was diagnosed really young. I struggled through the whole of school life and now I'm finding life as an adult even harder. My Autism has always been my biggest and hardest struggle but now I've got a lot of mental health problems creeping in, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and PTSD. Now it feels like the professionals don't actually want to help and that they are just having fun giving me new conditions every time I see them. They keep giving me loads of vile medications which don't seem to actually do anything but make me worse because of the side effects. I'm thinking about contacting someone else about my problems but I literally no idea who I can call for help. I call the GP and she can't be bothered now just says to call the mental health team or hospital. My family are great, they give me a lot of help and support which is great but they can't help me with my problems. I talk to Samaritans a lot which is helpful, just being listened to and being able to unload everything on my mind is a big help. But I do feel really alone with all this, no one else seems to struggle this way and it feels like the professionals don't really care. I call my team and the nurses tell me to take a calming pill and literally hang up. Last call to them was less than 30 seconds.

It's like slamming my head into a brick wall.

Sorry to go on there, just frustrated with everything.

When I'm not struggling with the above I like to do pencil drawing and sketching, it's a special interest and talent of mine. I really enjoy it. Especially drawing outside in the fields. I like Lego as well, used to play with it, still do to be honest Slight smile And I also like music.

Paige x

  • I'm so sorry to hear things are so difficult for you - has anyone offered you talking therapy? You don't say why they've given you these other diagnoses? Are you experiencing manic episodes where you behave recklessly? Are you struggling to distinguish reality and delusion or hallucinating? If you can find the money it's possible to get pretty good private therapy online? 

  • Hello. Yes had therapy but it didn't help it made me worse having to go there be in a strange place with a stranger who asked a lot of personal questions I didn't like that. Apparently I had symptoms which is why they diagnosed those. Sometimes my actions are different but I wouldn't say that bad. And as for not being in reality and having delusion I don't think so, I'm fine as I've told them hundreds of time... No one ever listens to me. I try to explain but they don't listen to me.

    Just want them out of my life now. 

    That's why I came here as I think my problems are autism related. Want to be with people who understands.

  • Well you wouldn't be the first person to be mis-diagnosed but I'm not an expert so I can't really say anything very helpful other than welcome and I hope you can find people to share your experience with here. 

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