Hi :)

Hi :) 

I'm autistic. Unfortunately I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety pretty severely. A lot of passing out in stressful situations which can be embarrassing to say the least! I'm not very sociable I'd like to be but it's not something I'm capable of. No friends because of this and I don't really talk to my family I just can't talk properly I really struggle with it. I've thought of contacting NAS and seeking their help but I'm not sure I can cope. Even a little stress or change results in big waves of problems for me. So mostly I stay in my comfort zone and safe space, I take things one step at a time.

I find medical things really interesting. I'd love to be a doctor, not possible at the moment but who knows in the future I might be able to if I can better control my autism and anxiety. I live in hope.

I like music especially classic like Beethoven and Mozart. I enjoy a little tv and movies. But mostly I love to be in my garden with the flowers and listening to the birds. I love nature.

I feel I've said so much about myself here. Sorry! :) 

  • Hi Pru - I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Like you I would like to be more sociable but tend - instead - to avoid too much contact with other people as it makes me anxious to be around a lot of people. I love classical music too (I like Bach, Rachmaninov, Mahler, early choral music, Gregorian chant etc) and I also find that getting out into nature is the best thing for my mental health. I like going on really long walks in the countryside with my husband and youngest  son (who are both also autistic).

    We tend to keep in our comfort zone too (when we can anyway!) but lately I’ve thought it might be nice to have one or two friends. I came on here because I thought it would be a good way to start being a bit more friendly towards people - to connect with other people more.

    so: hi! 

  • Hi Kate. I hope you don't mind me replying to you. I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I do as well and it's really hard to get through each day with this. Do you find that as well? I live on the edge of my nerves and going out or being around people makes me so anxious I feel like I'm going to be sick! Maybe at some point I'll improve with this but so far it seems to be getting worse.

    Going for walks with your husband and youngest son sounds lovely. I like to go for walks as well but on my own because of bad experience I had a few years ago. Being with people makes me so nervous.

  • Hi Jess - yes - I really struggle so much with anxiety at the moment - I’m trying my best to cope but not doing great to be honest. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this too - only people who live with this know just how horrible it is. It’s exhausting too. Have you found anything that really helps you with your anxiety and panic attacks? 

    I’m sorry you don’t have anyone to walk with - I would also be a bit nervous about walking in remote places on my own. Maybe there are some places that are busy enough that you could though? Some parks are busy enough to feel quite safe. We quite like walking round cities/suburbs/villages sometimes too. Sometimes we go out to a city really early in the morning so that they’re aren’t many people about. Or perhaps you could find a walking group with not too many people? I wonder if there are any walking groups just for autistic people? If there isn’t there should be! 

  • Hi Jess - yes - I really struggle so much with anxiety at the moment - I’m trying my best to cope but not doing great to be honest. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this too - only people who live with this know just how horrible it is. It’s exhausting too. Have you found anything that really helps you with your anxiety and panic attacks? 

    I’m sorry you don’t have anyone to walk with - I would also be a bit nervous about walking in remote places on my own. Maybe there are some places that are busy enough that you could though? Some parks are busy enough to feel quite safe. We quite like walking round cities/suburbs/villages sometimes too. Sometimes we go out to a city really early in the morning so that they’re aren’t many people about. Or perhaps you could find a walking group with not too many people? I wonder if there are any walking groups just for autistic people? If there isn’t there should be! 

  • Hi Kate, I'm so sorry you are struggling so much at the moment with your anxiety. It's so hard isn't it when it gets really bad. I used to find with mine that I had flare ups where it went from mild to really severe and now it's constantly severe can't escape it. You're right only people who have it really understand what it's like. The effect it causes is just terrible in every way, tiredness is a major pain. I'm tired all day every day. No nothing has or is working for me yet. I try so many things but nothing helps. I even tried eating healthy stuff because that's meant to help but nothing worked. It's getting to a point where I might have to see my doctor but I really don't want to do that because the thought makes me extremely anxious! Don't want to go but I also can't live like this forever either. Have you found anything that helps you Kate? I hope yours gets better soon :) no one should have to live with this sort of thing. It's so hard.

    I've got my dog but she is a coward so doesn't offer much comfort haha. I love her to bits though. I've thought about going to more busy places but even a few people is too many for me and it sets off the anxiety - and suddenly I'm more anxious than I was before. Wish I could cope a bit better but I can't. I try all the time but it just is so bad I really am lost now. Hate it so much. I do try to walk when I can but because I'm so scared and on edge I hardly leave the house now but I don't think that's healthy for me so I do force myself out at times but the end result is anxiety and panic attacks. Hopefully your walks are a lot better! 

    I really hope things improve for you Kate. :)