Hello - Advice needed!


Over the last few years my family have made jokey comments about how I sometimes exhibit autistic behaviours like obsessions, struggling with loud noises, not being able to read situations etc. The more it’s been said to me the more I’ve felt like what they are saying could actually be true.

I really struggled at school and have always been a bit ‘different’ to people my own age, I’m 23 and have struggled with anxiety since my teens. I also had anorexia when I was 5, my mum has always said it was to do with school but I’ve always said it was because I couldn’t stand the texture of some foods, I’m fine now but still a bit fussy as I just can’t deal with some textures. 

Anyway, I’ve done lots of research recently and I’m pretty sure I’m somewhere on the autistic spectrum, it doesn’t negatively effect my life really but it would make me feel less ‘weird’ if I knew, however, as I don’t require any extra help I do think it would be wasting everyone’s time to go to my GP and go through the long process of getting a diagnosis. Is self-diagnosis a thing or is that not really the done thing? I wouldn’t need it for anything other than my own knowledge.

Thank you! Blush 

  • I was in denial about my late diagnosis for many years, until an online self-assessment that I did, confirmed the original. That's when I started reading other people's accounts, experiences & advice, along with more academic material. 

  • I was in denial about my late diagnosis for many years, until an online self-assessment that I did, confirmed the original. That's when I started reading other people's accounts, experiences & advice, along with more academic material. 

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