
Hello there I'm R. 

I'm autistic, friendless and a loner. I'm feeling depressed and I can't get a job. I've tried volunteer work to but no one will have me.

Feeling like giving up. My life sucks and so do I.

Wanted to come here and he with people who understands as everyone in my life doesn't.

  • Hello. I'm autistic and have bipolar, so I can relate to how you are feeling. Welcome to the Forum,

    Don't give up. This too will pass as the mantra goes.

    Do you have a special interest that can soothe you through your thoughts of giving up. You are worthy and you do not suck.

    I know how low things can get when you can't work. Have you been in contact with the NAS as I think they still have an employment advice line. 

    Work is a tricky one: for me it is about feeling valued and being paid. But it doesn't bring me as much happiness as the things I love: number 1 is Listening to music. Do you have something that you find gives you happiness?

    Stay safe and reach out if you feel you are unsafe.


  • Hello. I'm autistic and have bipolar, so I can relate to how you are feeling. Welcome to the Forum,

    Don't give up. This too will pass as the mantra goes.

    Do you have a special interest that can soothe you through your thoughts of giving up. You are worthy and you do not suck.

    I know how low things can get when you can't work. Have you been in contact with the NAS as I think they still have an employment advice line. 

    Work is a tricky one: for me it is about feeling valued and being paid. But it doesn't bring me as much happiness as the things I love: number 1 is Listening to music. Do you have something that you find gives you happiness?

    Stay safe and reach out if you feel you are unsafe.


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