Sons autism

Hello everyone I'm Laura.  My 5 year old child has sensory disorder and has just been diagnosed with autism. Im just wondering where do I go from here? I feel at a loss tbh.  He Is doing well at school but at home it's like he is a totally different person. He hits out at me alot and at his older brother who is 15 they dont get on at all which is very upsetting for me. I want to be able to help son as much as possible so any advice is welcomed. Thank you Blush 

  • From experience of being the youngest sibling with autism where the rest of my brothers are neurotypical. My brothers tried to control me, they deliberately sent me in meltdown to get their own way and they become really hostile when my parents left the room. 

    I suggest getting a nanny cam to catch how your older son is treating the son with autism when he thinks no one is looking, it would explain why the son with autism can't tolerate his brother. 

  • Hi no its nothing like that, like I said  my oldest son spends most of his time in his room on computer with his friends. There never left alone, coz I have to keep my eyes on little one all the time but thank you for your reply

  • Neurotypical children can be sneaky. Your oldest could be delebrailtey moving objects around the house, using deodorant that the youngest may find offensive and sneaking around when your back turned making life hell for the autistic son.

    My best friend is a child phycologist and it's alarming how parents says " There never left alone" because it take a small distraction like changing the washing over or cooking dinner for incident to occur and a parent to be oblivious.

    If your watching the little one all the time , than the older child could be jealous and once sided sibling rivirly is taking place behind your back which will result in the older child harming the autistic one i say this from experience and from other autistic adults that were in a similar situation.

    early emotional bonding issues don't only occur in mother and child relationships but can also occur amongst siblings especially if the oldest was a only child for a long period. its amplified because your sons autistic.

    A child doesn't instantly turn to violence unless they need to in order to protect themselves, communicate or scared. 

    Im saying this from experience do not di the typical mother thing and not doubt what may be happening. because it will be too late once something happens that could traumatise the youngest one for the rest of their life.

  • I ment hits out 

  • No thats not happening. We live in a small flat and little one also hots out at other people including me. 

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