How to get off bottles and milk

Hi there so I'm pretty new. I never usually do these sorts of things but I'm really at a loss and need some help and advice, considering I have no where else to turn too. My son is 2 going on 3 and will not drink anything other then milk! Now I don't know this is due to the taste or plainly by the colour as if he sees its not white he will instantly throw it. He also will not drink out of anything but baby bottles which surely can't be good for his teeth now. 

Is there any advice anybody could possibly give me on how to get him off the milk into some sort of other drink, or atleast something other then a baby bottle? The amount of milk he can drink in a day is what worries me the most, I'd rather there be some sort of balance too it. 

  • My daughter is 20 and she goes through about 4 litres of milk a week. Up to about the age of 12 she would only drink milk and water. She now drinks a reasonably wide range of things, but is still not keen of fizzy drinks, which is a good thing. I wouldn't worry too much about the milk consumption, but concentrate on weaning away from the baby bottle. We found that pre-school helped a lot with food pickiness, peer-pressure is a powerful thing.

  • Thankyou :) I'm going to have to ask his current nursery to see if there is anyway they can try encourage him to drink out of something else. We have been quite lucky on the food side of things he isn't picky at home but for some reason at nursery will only eat a jam sandwich and wotsits. He refuses to try anything else there 

  • Thankyou :) I'm going to have to ask his current nursery to see if there is anyway they can try encourage him to drink out of something else. We have been quite lucky on the food side of things he isn't picky at home but for some reason at nursery will only eat a jam sandwich and wotsits. He refuses to try anything else there 

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