How to get off bottles and milk

Hi there so I'm pretty new. I never usually do these sorts of things but I'm really at a loss and need some help and advice, considering I have no where else to turn too. My son is 2 going on 3 and will not drink anything other then milk! Now I don't know this is due to the taste or plainly by the colour as if he sees its not white he will instantly throw it. He also will not drink out of anything but baby bottles which surely can't be good for his teeth now. 

Is there any advice anybody could possibly give me on how to get him off the milk into some sort of other drink, or atleast something other then a baby bottle? The amount of milk he can drink in a day is what worries me the most, I'd rather there be some sort of balance too it. 

  • This was my thought too as he also sucks/chews on clothes, he has a dummy and also likes to rub his tag of his snuggly too x 

  • Desmond is still breastfeeding though... Joy

  • I think the bottle thing maybe a comfort thing as my son was not keen to change to cups. He still sucks/chews clothes when anxious at nearly 14. Regarding milk I drank a lot of milk until I was about 8. I think it was positive health wise.

  • Oh were not the only ones then Sweat smile my daughter who is 4 still drinks a fair bit of milk so some weeks were going through 6 pints in about 2 days 

  • Thankyou :) I'm going to have to ask his current nursery to see if there is anyway they can try encourage him to drink out of something else. We have been quite lucky on the food side of things he isn't picky at home but for some reason at nursery will only eat a jam sandwich and wotsits. He refuses to try anything else there 

  • Thankyou for the advice :) I will take into consideration everything you have mentioned and I definitely think a drink for him to pick up himself other then his milk might be worth a try. Even if he only takes a sip at a time, I guess its progress and well get there fully one day :) 

  • I go through 4 litres of milk in about three days. Smiley

  • My daughter is 20 and she goes through about 4 litres of milk a week. Up to about the age of 12 she would only drink milk and water. She now drinks a reasonably wide range of things, but is still not keen of fizzy drinks, which is a good thing. I wouldn't worry too much about the milk consumption, but concentrate on weaning away from the baby bottle. We found that pre-school helped a lot with food pickiness, peer-pressure is a powerful thing.

  • There's a lot of nutrition in milk, especially full fat. I wouldn't worry.

    On the subject of teeth, a quick search online will report that it's when they fall asleep with the bottle and a little juice is oxidising and collecting bacteria. These are baby teeth, though. They will all fall out.

    Allow him to grow at his pace. You could leave sippy cups and juice drinks about for him to pick up on his own (allow him to bring them to you to open). You might want to occasionally drink them so he can watch what he's to do with them, but never make a production from it, make it just another part of ordinary life. Reusable coffee cups with lids are good for this, as adults drink from them anyway. So perhaps this might be a next step alternative. Once a day have your tea in a take-a-way mug and drink water from sport tops you can throw in the recycling. Leave sport top bottles (juice or water) around for him to try when he feels ready and a take-a-way mug with a little something in it somewhere in his reach.

    I tried to find ways for my son to use his own personal agency (within reason and safety). The best bit of wisdom I learned with this is "you cannot force a process and you cannot cut a process short". Children naturally grow as they feel ready, when they do this at their own pace, they're much more grounded. Very few things are of grave importance.