
Hello. Been diagnosed since 2011. I like to play chess mostly with myself and my inner circle. Also I like to build Lego and write. I'm a big Lego fan and have built a lot hehe I'm a Lego nerd. I write a lot, mostly books though never published any yet maybe one day Grin I'm a lonely person, can't really go out so I spend all day at home. So I'm hoping to get to know a few people here and make friends. 

  • Welcome fellow Lego enthusiast. It was a long time ago since I last handled lego but it was the "toy" I got the most joy out of as far as I remember. We are doing some experiments in our inventors group which require aspects of the apparatus to be easy to reconfigure and I'm very tempted to try  and find some basic pieces to use for that. In fact, now you have reminded me, I'll go and post that "freecycle" ad.

  • Hello thanks my Lego friend. You should definitely give it a go again I find it a relaxing and fun way to spend my time. And I don't have to use my legs so it's win win. I used to play with it as the "toy" sometimes I still do but more usually I like to build amazing creations now. Your Investors group sounds exciting. What's going on there? If your comfortable to share.

  • Hello thanks my Lego friend. You should definitely give it a go again I find it a relaxing and fun way to spend my time. And I don't have to use my legs so it's win win. I used to play with it as the "toy" sometimes I still do but more usually I like to build amazing creations now. Your Investors group sounds exciting. What's going on there? If your comfortable to share.

  • Sorry I missed that reply. Well long story short:

    A few years ago I found myself in a situation where my life stopped working from and employment and economy point of view. I brainstormed the situation, realised I needed an unusual solution, and around the same time, I realised that PILOT reports of UFO encounters were very, very likely to be simple factual descriptions of what was being observed, by unusually qualified observers. In short machinery that works in a way that is presently (mostly) unavailable to the human race.

    I decided to collect all the information I could, filter it as best as I was able, and pick over the bones to see if I could figure out some novel technology, and thus solve all my employment and financial woes in one hit, as I was getting older and the conventional approach to obtaining money, had failed me, and I didn't want to do "crime" again having turned my back on that as far as is possible, in my youth.

    During the journey (which still is not complete yet, although I know a hell of a lot more about exotic physics, and the people who do it, than I did before I started out) I fell in with an inventors group along the way, and have ended up being safety officer (amongst other things) on their/our tabletop nuclear fusion device. I've watched it grow from being a madmans dream into a device that as far as I can determine does something that conventional science with all their diplomas and halls full of gear, and money, money, money, cannot achieve. I'm not sure what it all means, to be honest.

    Personally I've found it is far, far, easier to push back the boundary of scientific knowledge than we've been led to believe, but MUCH harder to prosper doing this sort of work. And it's virtually impossible to get anyone to believe what you have done unless you have at least a PHD, but the people who have those, show very limited ability to actually THINK, although they are good at speaking and writing.

    TBF I am a bit grumpy disillusioned and tired today, I've had a hard 30 hours or so...