single parent with two ASD teens


I'm new to this forum, and gave 2 teens with ASD. Mr16 was diagnosed with HF Asbergers 4 years ago, and Miss13 simply ASD 12 months ago (I gather they no longer differentiate). I'm here because I've become very capable at dealing with Mr16, who manages himself very well these days. Miss13 however is another kettle of fish and makes me feel completely useless as a parent. She's must be high-functioning like her brother, and has been in mainstream secondary for 18 months. However she has a tendency to shut down at school when challenged to talk about her emotions. It's been likened to selective mutism (by CAMHS), but no help has been offered as she's doing so well at school. Before Christmas she had a complete shutdown - emotionally and physically. She appeared to lose all motor functions, refusing to talk or walk and couldn't even wipe the tears from her face. When I arrived the teacher felt the only option was to gently bring her to her feet and help her walk out the school, which slowly worked. I felt awful as I am a single parent without a car and it took a long time for me to reach the school. So I'm finally taking my therapist's advice and sharing here. Is there a particular forum for despondent single parents with HF ASD?



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