

Im new to this community and also only one year since diagnosed late as ASD. In that year, knowing that things take two people to make things work, my wife has also left as its all 'too much'.

 With my daily routines totally gone and the emotions of it, I'm totally struggling.

Anyone else been through similar? 

  • No/yes, but sort of. Lol, sorry doesn't quite make sence.

    Firstly, welcome.

    I had to initiate a divorce. My husband is someone I love deeply and dearly, but who is too far sunk into a can of Stella to understand my ASD, to the point he is a walking sensory bombardment. So, sort of reverse getting your position, if you see what I mean.

    Yes, it takes two to make any relationship work. When it's ND/NT both have to be committed to understanding the other's perspective. If my husband were sober, I'm sure we'd be sitting on a river bank doing a quiet Chris Packam moment now. But he isn't so...

    You need new routines, now I guess. You can find them, I'm sure. Chuck a few ideas out here, someone will have a clue to help x

  • Hi, a Chris packham moment would be just great!! I think what's thrown me the most is how I do my routines in my own bubble and thought everything was OK so to get this sprung on me, and apparently I never even saw it happening right in front of me, didn't 'read' the body language, the silences etc.

  • Hi, a Chris packham moment would be just great!! I think what's thrown me the most is how I do my routines in my own bubble and thought everything was OK so to get this sprung on me, and apparently I never even saw it happening right in front of me, didn't 'read' the body language, the silences etc.

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