Putting on cold clothes in the morning, or pyjamas at night.

I don’t like getting dressed in the morning, it feels horrible putting on my cold clothes on my skin it is unpleasant. I wear all warm clothes too. I put on thermal leggings followed by stretchy jeans, I am not keen on wearing stretchy jeans, but I want to take my dogs out so I have to. When I get home I put cashmere trousers on over my leggings. Then I am lovely and warm. I really don’t like putting on my tops in the morning either I wear a vest with no sleeves then a vest with sleeves then a top then a fleece top overall. But the clothes are so cold at first. The worst has got to be my leggings and stretchy jeans so cold today. When I got downstairs I wrapped a fleece blanket over my jeans still got it on. When I go out I wear my warm rain trousers and thick coat my leg don’t feel uncomfortable and cold then.

  • Nice and warm clothes sounds really good. The other morning I got up someone had come round to do a living assessment on me. I had my pjamas on when she arrived at my house. So had to go get dressed quickly everything was really cold to put on it was horrible, I was jogging on the spot, repeating to myself everything will be okay it’s okay you’ll soon get warm you’ll soon get warm. This was to comfort myself when I got downstairs I had my stimming noodle’s and didn’t care that lady was there I needed to comfort myself by Stimming so I did . It seemed to take a while to get over the shock.

  • I used to dislike cold clothing in the morning and at bed but fortunately we have a Rayburn oven which you turn up to cook on but you leave it idling at low heat so I leave clothes hanging in front of it so they are always toasty warm come morning and bed. Whenever I get dressed for work my nurses uniform is always so warm. Perfect Slight smile

  • I 100% agree.  I do not like the feeling of putting clothes on.  I have to be reminded to change my top or trousers but I prefer to wear thing I have worn already. I use a hair dryer in the morning or tumble dryer.

  • Reading this has reminded me that for all of my childhood and teenage years I would put my clothes on the radiator in the morning and refuse to wear them otherwise.

  • I warn what I’m going to put on with my hairdryer. Can’t stand cold clothes. 

  • Yes that makes sense, your right. I new a woman called Anna she washed her suit trousers once a year. I wear my clothes for a week or two. Mind you my cashmere trousers I won’t wash I will put them outside if they start to smell. Let the cold air get to them to air them out then wear them again. But they don’t touch my body as I wear leggings first. Lovely warm sock I wash things if they start to smell of my sent to much. I don’t seem to get BO thank goodness. I always wear vests so I change vests but not the other clothes. I only change my vests and leggings when I have had a bath.

  • i sleep in my clothes i wear in the day at winter.... it makes no logical or survival sense to remove clothes that have built up body heat to put on cold clothes for bed then remove those now warm bed clothes to put back on cold clothes for the day... no sense at all, this is a capitalist waste of money idea to get people to be uber materialist and waste money on excessive amounts of clothes and product that you dont really need to go through. why do people wash their clothes after 1 days use? that is a waste and is rather capitalist materialistic type of waste that fuels people to hand their money over to rich corpos, that is all. your clothes are not magically dirty after wearing them one day, nor even a entire week or month unless you literally rolled in the dirt outside.

  • Pjs can drive me mad when I move I have to pull them around a lot. So I get why he would not like them. I don’t like them much but I won’t like it if I feel cold when I get up in the night to go loo. But it is very irritating wearing pj bottoms I don’t like them maybe I should wear leggings that might be better for me, I never thought of that till now. I will do that tonight got lots of leggings so should work. Plus bet they get warm quicker too.

  • I suffer terribly with feeling cold all the time. Getting dressed is horrible, but I grit my teeth and do it quickly. I wear mostly stuff that is fleecy inside, so it is more bearable. As a child it was awful. My clothes were thin and cheap, and freezing to put on, I used to switch on a little fan heater to warm each item up before I could put it on.

  • No I only have my room on 11 degrees 12 at most. Or it is to hot. I like to wear gloves in bed and sometimes a hat, I like the feeling of something on my hands it comforts me and helps me sleep,Sleepinghen it is very cold I wear a tight fleece hat. Fleece top with high neck, I have a fleece blanket then a duvet. I have a hot water bottle too. I do wear bed soft socks if I have cold feet I can’Sleepingsleep Sleeping.

  • My son is the same - he only wears underwear in bed as he can’t stand PJs or even a baggy top. So I make him 2 hot water bottles at night to keep him warm. In the morning, he hates putting on cold clothes but I find that if the bedroom is warm enough, he’s ok.  Could you hang your tops and trousers on the radiator so they’re toasty in the morning?

  • I put my nightie in the airing cupboard before I put it on to go to bed. That helps.