
Hello I'm Salky *Sally*

I have Autism and I find life with it awkward and distressing. I have no social skills so have no friends. My lack of social skill means I have a distant relationship with my family, well actually it's more non existent. We don't talk much. The atmosphere at home is terrible and it's a bad place to be at

Another part of my Autism is that like a magpie I find certain things irresistible and I sometimes take things, not intentionally to steal I just pick things up I did it as a child as well. But now I'm older people think I'm a thief. I'm so misunderstood by everybody and though professional are meant to understand and help they don't. They just blame me and don't listen to me when I try to explain things. No one listens or understand

The only person who did understand me was my nan. We got on so well and had so much in common. We spoke most days and never fell out, she was amazing. She loved to travel and went all over the world to lots of different interesting places. She was lucky enough to see the world trade center in early 2001 she was very proud of this photograph

  I wish I was born then I would have loved to see that in person

Oh well sometimes you miss out don't you

I've been feeling low and depressed lately. Each day I struggle to get motivated and I cry a lot. I hurt myself sometimes which I guess is bad but it makes me feel a lot better

Sometimes I think of suicide but then I remember that life is precious and you have to make the most of it. That's what my nan always said and she made the best of her eighty years here. My sister was extremely depressed and she did choose suicide, I miss her a lot still, my parents don't seem to but I really think they don't like kids

Going to school is a dread everyone makes fun of me all the time commenting on my ugly curly hair and the fact that I am chubby

I feel like if people took the time to get to know me they might like me but no one ever does its like I don't exist half the time

I'm finding this whole life thing so distressing and I've read about what life for adults is like and it sounds dreadful

I'll be an adult soon and I'm not looking forward to it

Wish I was still a child to be honest I was a lot happier then and people were nicer to me then

Maybe it will get better over the next year. Hope so

Sorry for going on. I'm done now

Hello Clap tone1Yellow heart

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