hi I’m looking for advice about diagnosis with GP

Hi everyone, I am currently in the process of getting a diagnosis at last! I have been in contact with a woman at my college who is trying to get me some sessions with an educational psychologist but strongly recommended I talk to a GP. So I did, and had a call with my doctor today who has asked me to write a list for him of all my autistic traits. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed trying to think of everything I need to include, and worried about missing something important accidentally and then not being able to get diagnosed. I would really appreciate any advice or help with this, thank you.

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  • Seriously though don't worry about not having everything. When it was first mentioned to me that I maybe autistic I disagreed because I didn't understand autism in women.  I look people in the eye and thought that people with autism didn't like socialising but I do, though I do need considerable recovery time.  Your GP will probably just look for a few key traits tracing back throughout your childhood. Because it is a developmental condition then it has to have been present all along and doesn't just develop as an adult.

    But in my assessment as well as age groups you also need to have a problem in all 3 areas to be diagnosed.  They were social communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive and/or sensory behaviours or interests. If you don't have all 3 areas then they told me that you wouldn't have an autism diagnosis. 

    Repetitive things in women tend to be less obvious, like I didn't realise that I push the palms of my hands together under desks or gently push my hand down onto surfaces when I am anxious. Turns out putting pressure on my palms is calming for me and nobody even realised until a psychologist mentioned it. It just looked like my hands were on the table or my knee.   I also watch the same TV programmes over and over again like Friends as it is comforting. And I do not have a special interest because my memory is too poor lol. Aside from loving animals and have to remind myself not to go on about my pets haha

    If you are really worried still you could write your list on here and see what other people think.  I have found it good because they are a few other women like me on here.