
Hi I'm not new to autistic spectrum disorder, I was diagnosed a while ago now. I'm in my 30s and really lonely. No one wants to get to know me or be around me, all the people I know are family and they don't really like me all that much. 

I'm finding Covid 19 exhausting. All these jabs are awful and the places are always so busy. I have difficulty breathing so being behind a mask doesn't help either but my mum forces me to wear one.

I feel let down by the health services as well. I used to see my GP a lot but the last few years she hasn't really bothered with me, just given me lots of tablets which ok fair enough but the side effects made it impossible to take them for long.

Do you have any hobbies? I like to colour in, play games, listen to music and enjoy singing.

All for now. Take care xxx

  • smells it’s constant overload

    i know, very few of us have supersensitive that sense, 

    there is few on my list that make me throw up immediately, and few to feint

    aftrer a half a year, i can tell collegaues by smell, before i enter room, and still struggle with their names

    i smoke because of it, exhaling through nose when going through whole cigarette takes 4min numbs for 30min, because it's just pure poison cigarettes, tabbacco slighly less poisonous, because less proccessing, but one roll up is tiny, takes me 7-8min to smoke it often not enough. smoking through two i need 15min ridiculous

    plus when having to work, you have 20min for 8h, after battling boss half year, i was permitted to take 4 breaks 5min instead, i was spreading them over 8h shift, eating on the way to smoking area like swallowing 1/5 sandwich in 1 bite to make it

    but it's very usefull in cooking to have it so supersensitive, no need to taste, or set up timers, you can semll from next room, when it reaches appropriate phase, after initialy learning the difference in smells

    and keeping the flat clean, any dirt rotting you can smell it

    we had one spanish girl in supermarket iworked, she had such an amazing intoxitaing natural smell often i couldn't stop myself from sniffing her, or  I would walk behind prettending its coincidental inhaling full breath, like a straight junkie

  • Hello!

    I like singing too.

    What kind of songs do you like to sing?

    Also I too feel that my relationship with my GP is strained. I understand (intellectually) that they're under a lot a pressure with Covid and are having to deal with an crisis like no other but... knowing about that doesn't negate my needs or feelings (if anything, just makes it more difficult for me too).

  • Hi Piglin, nice to ‘meet’ you.  Slight smile

    Ditto to what you’ve said about all the Covid stuff.  Having to wear a mask when out and about just makes things even more difficult, doesn’t it?!

    I enjoy gaming, too, and knitting when I need a break from the screens.  And I usually love going to conventions, although have only been to one since the pandemic started.

  • Hi,

    same same and same! 

    I struggle with being lonely too, I often fill my time with my love of hand embroidery, this consumes me and takes me to a happy place. 

    Christmas time is a nightmare for me, the millions of people, the noises and smells it’s constant overload. So I don’t venture out much at all really. If I do I wear ear defenders and find these are great as people don’t approach me. I have a lot of social issues and communication is a huge problem for me. I have my family, husband and daughter that’s all. It’s enough right now. 

    apart from hand embroidery I like to play animal crossing, but all l like to do in the game is fish! 

    your not alone.