

I was here some time ago so I could better understand asd and myself. That helped a lot being here and life since then hasn't been to bad. But struggling again now. Lots has happened in the last two years and I'm feeling the effects now.

I have panic attacks every day and currently I'm to scared to leave the house. I had a boyfriend who I really liked but he was abusive and in the end IL enough was enough so I moved back in with my mum and dad. I've got a daughter Rebecca but I'm struggling with her as well. The constant crying and needing to be changed is overwhelming me. I have ear plugs and that helps a little bit.

I'm very worried about the virus. I haven't had the vaccine yet, not because I'm against it but because I'm to scared to leave the house. My mum and dad keep going on at me to have it but I really am scared to go out. 

I'm an adult now but I don't cope at all. My mum has a few health problems and recently she collapsed at home and I had to call her an ambulance. The woman I spoke to on the phone was so calm and kind. I told her our address so they sent out an ambulance but then I had a really bad panic attack and my asthma started acting up and the woman on the phone spoke to me and told me how to calm down and how to breathe. I was really grateful to have spoken with her.

Since then I'm a bit of a nervous wreck. But life can't go on like this so here I am looking for advice on how to better control these symptoms again. Thanks in advance guys.

  • in Youtube look up The "Square" or "Box breathing technique". I was taught it by the USA marines. 

    It works. 

    practise it when u can.

    then when a panic attack occurs u can use it.

  • Hello ,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have been feeling particularly anxious recently and that this is impacting your day to day activities. You may like to have a look at our pages on anxiety in people with autism, which includes some strategies and advice regarding seeking support:

    All the very best,


  • Hi, welcome back.  I can't offer much in the way of techniques for your panic attacks but i do wish you well.  On the vaccination front you should be able to get a home visit if you ring your GP.

  • myself I am working on a new approach the never ending anxiety issue

    prevention is one thing

    but what to do when it's going through the roof, making me walk in a channel in a middle of my room, so to say LOL

    I found,that for me, I haven't checked with others that thing yet, with anxiety my creativity raises as well, more like I get all those incoming crazy ideas out of nowhere, while normally I'm Spock, like some recently decribed it here, There is only logic LOL

    Recently I actually managed to channel one of those crazy ideas into something real, not just in my head, when going through the peak with my anxiety, and something really unexpected happened. It worked like a release valve of sorts, All anxiety was gone in a blink of an eye.

    So I am going to try to install it on more permament basis.

    I have always loved all kinds of crazy experiments. I did go with countless as a kid, most of the time being caught guilty as charged LOL

    I have asthma too, only mild, and I suspect ADHD too, though I hid that bit from the doctors, I don't want more meds pushed on me, my friends says so.