Really Struggling Please Help

Hi, my name is Dua. I'm 25 and have Autism. I also suffer really badly from anxiety and depression. Growing up was difficult. I had no friends and was bullied at school, verbally and physically. The girls literally used to throw me on the ground and punch me. I struggled with the school work but the teachers never helped me so my grades were very poor which my family never understood despite me trying to tell them. I thought things might get better after school but they got even worse. I'm 25 now and my life is just a mess. I have severe anxiety. I can't talk to anyone and I can't go out, I'm just too scared. Sometimes I can't even talk to my parents. I just lock myself in my room all day. With the anxiety I get a lot of bad side effects. I feel sick all the time, all day. I have heartburn and acid reflux all the time. I have indigestion all the time. I feel dizzy all the time. I'm always hot and sweaty. And I'm in pain all over all the time. It's never ending and it makes me even more anxious and I feel very depressed. A lot of the time I just want to end everything. My life is rubbish and I'm worthless. I can't work. All I am is anxious and I'm absolutely sick of it. I spend all day with no energy feeling sick and like rubbish. It's constant and only seems to be getting worse. I've been like this for months and with each day that passes I feel worse.

I hate my life and I'm really struggling now. I don't know what to do.

  • Hi Dua, I can relate completely! I second what Miaxx said about talking to your doctor about everything as well as the physical symptoms your experiencing. It can feel so endless sometimes but please know you are NOT alone. Miaxx has posted great links below also I want to put the Samaritans number (they helped me through some really difficult times) 116123 (free phone) 

    Things will get better! You got this! Slight smile

  • Hi Dua, I can relate completely! I second what Miaxx said about talking to your doctor about everything as well as the physical symptoms your experiencing. It can feel so endless sometimes but please know you are NOT alone. Miaxx has posted great links below also I want to put the Samaritans number (they helped me through some really difficult times) 116123 (free phone) 

    Things will get better! You got this! Slight smile

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