
Anyone got any hobbie sergestions. Or what do people fill there spare time. I find nothing brings me satisfaction anymore. Weather it's gaming my previous hobby or drinking which wieredly I use to love. Starting up at the gym again but I feel like nothing chalanges anymore or I can't find interests in anything anymore even gaming on my Xbox feels like a choor. Is this an ASD thing or just a me thing. Like when you get to that point in life where everything just sucks and is insanely boring and repetitive. Bare in mind I live in a village and the nearest town is half an hour from me and I don't drive.

  • It is definitely not just you PensivePersevere I completely get what your saying I'm exactly the same, gaming use to be my only escape/hobby but yes just got no energy for it now Pensive I just watch the same TV shows over and over now Grimacing I've always put it down to my depression...? Guess it could be my ASD too Thinking Hope you find something to occupy your mind! It can be difficult Relaxed️ what sort of gaming do you enjoy/use to enjoy? Im hugely into building/sandbox/engineering type of games, but they just don't make enough of them Grimacing on the plus side... FS22 COMES OUT on the 22nd RoflCow2TractorRoosterRabbit2RamGoat

  • Started playing farm simulator IST actually pretty damn good 

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