
Anyone got any hobbie sergestions. Or what do people fill there spare time. I find nothing brings me satisfaction anymore. Weather it's gaming my previous hobby or drinking which wieredly I use to love. Starting up at the gym again but I feel like nothing chalanges anymore or I can't find interests in anything anymore even gaming on my Xbox feels like a choor. Is this an ASD thing or just a me thing. Like when you get to that point in life where everything just sucks and is insanely boring and repetitive. Bare in mind I live in a village and the nearest town is half an hour from me and I don't drive.

  • Learn computer programming - nothing else can get my mind active and fully focused as when I am trying to bend a computer to my will.

    There are many easy to learn languages nowadays, and there are loads of free tools, tutorials, online courses and references.

    You could learn anything from how to create websites in HTML5 to advanced image recognition or speech synthesis in C# .net.

    Some of my most enjoyable programming has been writing mods or addons for whatever PC game I am hooked on at the time.

  • I use to love getting stuck into a bit of python also dabbled over the years with Java, PHP, CSS(doesn't really count as code per say rather scripting Rofl) and HTML5. Also loved tinkering with a raspberry pi or 4 Joy trying to cluster them etc. Oh boy how I use to love technology! It makes the time fly by Pensive

  • I use to love getting stuck into a bit of python also dabbled over the years with Java, PHP, CSS(doesn't really count as code per say rather scripting Rofl) and HTML5. Also loved tinkering with a raspberry pi or 4 Joy trying to cluster them etc. Oh boy how I use to love technology! It makes the time fly by Pensive
