Hello - Newcomer (and new to autism)

Hi, hopefully not going to sound predictable but have recently accepted that I am probably autistic, but need to explore further.

I have a history of 'odd' behaviour going back to when I was a child, although this was all dismissed by my parent as me just being silly.  Looking back these would nowadays be considered autism traits! These are very personal and have always kept these to myself.    I have had issues most of my life which I find hard to explain to people, who put into words that adequately explain what I think or feel.  I have always been seen as socially a bit awkward and difficulty to talk to.  I have had some issues with jobs too..

I guess I am now considering what to do, should I speak to my GP etc..  I was given an AQ test to do a while back, I scored 36 and was told that was a possible indicator of autism plus my back ground.  

Is this the same for all adults who reach this stage? (in my 40s!)

  • thank you, its good in some ways to hear so many who relate to the same experience

  • thanks for the info on this, really appreciate all advice and those with lived experience

  • Thanks for your reply, it's good to hear there is nothing new in what I have experienced.

  • Hi and welcome, I'm 46 and just had my diagnosis.  My story is very similar.  I would recommend talking to your GP and asking for a referral for an assessment (your AW warrants this).  The waiting list where I live is 2 years but you can get private assessments via healthcare if you have it.  Good luck with your journey.   

  • Hi Squirrel & welcome.

    I started to think I was autistic a few years back at 50 years old after I was prompted to watch "Chris Packham - Aspergers & Me". At that time, I found that reading/watching other autists experiences gave me so many "thats me!" moments I knew I had to get a diagnosis.

    If you are not yet sure about your autism, I suggest reading forums like this one... you'll notice many posts that start "Does anyone else do X?" (or struggle with Y etc). You are most welcome here to post your own experience to get other peoples take on it - in general you will get a supportive, non-critical response.

    I also suggest searching youtube & similar for videos by autists (also search autistic, aspergers) explaining their experiences and what they struggle with... how they handle social situations, what panics them etc.

    I have had issues most of my life which I find hard to explain to people

    Autism is very much a spectrum, so don't expect to resonate with all other autistic experiences... but you will probably find that many that do (and may help give you the words & medical phrases to help define it). EG: My proprioception is quite poor and is one of the reasons I'm clumsy and it also makes me struggle in crowds (I feel so awkward).

    If you do want to get a diagnosis, write down the things that make you think you are autistic (along with your AQ test) and approach your GP who should refer you.

    There can be a wait of months or years though for the assessment on the NHS, but you don't need the assessment to start learning about autism and how you can live in harmony with it.

  • First of all, welcome home! There are so many of us here in the same boat as you. 

    I relate very much to the "odd" behaviour thing and being dismissed as silly. I was called silly for my whole childhood. Only found out I was autistic at 33 and a year later am on the waiting list for my diagnosis assessment. 

    Anytime you want to talk we are all here