Hewo, i'm new!!!

Hiya! I am autistic studying certHE in dance. I have 7yrs stagecoach performing arts training and 2yrs doing a btec in circus. I hopefully will be doing my BA in performing arts next year. 

I am 22 and a care leaver living with my doggo(luna) and 2 cats (kida and storm).

I am greatly inspired by DV8's "can we talk about this?" regarding my own work and projects. During lockdown, I created a verbatum theatre and dance piece on Body Dysmorphia as I also suffer from it. I wanted to raise awareness of the subject and to those who suffer from it, to know they aren't alone. This year I am considering working with a few of my autistic circus friends to create a short performance piece on masking and individuality. My working title is "A Gaudy Old Raincoat". 

I don't know what else to say. Pronouns: she/her

Parents Reply
  • I'm sorry to hear your post was taken down.

    Perhaps, if you can, re-write it with less triggering material?

    Maybe sitting down and thinking about how to word this post may help you in rationalising your thoughts?

    Take a deep breath and try to articulate your feelings, maybe in a more rational, less 'emotional' way.

    I understand that acting upon emotion is very easy, but like I said, take a step back and put it all down in another post when your head is clearer.

    Look up some grounding techniques, have a look at the emotion wheel. Try to figure out the root cause of your emotions.

    If you are feeling particularly unsafe, please contact someone you trust, or Samaritans. (Contact Us | Samaritans)

    Or try here: SHOUT Free, 24/7 mental health text support in the UK | Shout 85258 (giveusashout.org)
