Hello (I'm a mum and wanting to find support)

Hello Wave

 I have joined this forum as a way to meet other parents of children with ASD, anxiety and ALN/SEN and as a way to help feel less alone in helping my son navigate a world that he finds so challenging.

My son is 13 and I am finding that as he gets older the 'differences' between him and his peers are more marked and he's becoming more isolated (basically in his room all the time gaming, refusing to see if speak to anyone). I suppose I am looking for somewhere safe to turn when things becoming overwhelming, mostly the nights awake worrying, the constant ball of anxiety in my stomach etc. Anybody else feel this way?!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. 


  • There are many Adult Spectrum Condition (ASC) Adults on this site! Most really love to help you understand from an Autistic point of view how we experience the world. Feel free to ask! 

    Practical support IS the most difficult. However, on the social side: 

    I ended up in Post Production and sound. Humans like myself spend 12 hours alone in an editing suite or a studio creating and making every day and enjoy not having the pressure of strange humans vibe-ing in our glorious space. I find it's more rare that an ASC Individual will be extroverted (recharged socially rather than introverted - recharged by a wealth of me-time). Daily interruptions and interrogations knocking me off focus held me back as a child. Now I'm in control of my own space, my growing collexion of books & knowledge to conquest, goals to achieve, things to make. I can keep social contact to a minimum, keep LEDs out of my house, no TV, radio... phone off... and hopefully make just enough money to indulge in all the systems and explorations and disciplines I find incredibly engaging. We are artists, technicians, thinkers, tinkerers, builders, navigators and so on. 

    Become invested in your sons interests! Take him to game shops. Play something with him. See if he'll teach you things - you may find his perspectives incredibly enlightening. 

  • Keep up the good work. Everything takes tine

  • If you.want some advice please message be. I am retired Child Psychotherapist and Autism was my speciality. Now I do volunteer work for an NGO

  • Hi,

    I'm new here for exactly the same reason. 

    We are in the middle of what I call the kickback tonight of a very stimulating stressful day, so i really do not have the headspace to tap into the support right nowc but I do plan to start really leaning on this support system before I go completely around the proverbial bend. This moment of struggle tonight will pass and tomorrow is a new day. 

    take care 

    Julie :-)

  • Hi Mommy B

    I completely understand where you're coming from. I have a great husband family who are supportive but they don't seem to worry as I do and all decisions, getting him support etc is down to me. It's a lot of pressure and can be lonely. Add to that my friends having children who are excelling and it's hard to see how my son struggles with what we would think of as 'basic' things.

    Sending lots of support and solidarity. Thank you for replying Slight smile

  • Hi Relaxed

    I've only joined today for the same reasons really. My son's 7 and recently diagnosed and I have no clue what I'm doing. 

    I worry daily how he'll cope as he gets older. 

    I have no friends or relatives to talk to freely because through no fault of there own they have no idea what it's like and often comment that "he'll be fine" etc. 

    I feel like all my time is taken with my son and I'm neglecting my 8 year old daughter and husband. 

    This is harder than I ever expected it to be.