Books for children

Hi. I think my daughter aged 8 is autistic spectrum. I know it’ll be a long process to get a diagnosis but I think it would help her to know a reason for some of her differences. Has anyone come across a good children’s book that explains autism?

Thanks Emma 

  • Hello,

    "All Cats Are On The Autistic Spectrum" By Kathy Hoopman is  one suggestion. This is a picture book with concise information on autism which hopefully will help explain more about the spectrum and how we see the world. Sorry But I do not know how to attach a link to the book?

  • Thank you. It’s more a non fiction book I’m looking for at the moment. I appreciate what you mean though 

  • Thank you I’ll have a look 

  • Hello NAS73959

    It's a good idea to start thinking about how to help your daughter understand her differences. The NAS website sells a few books and this one might be of interest to you:

    You can also search for other books on the NAS website.

    All the best,

    Karin Mod

  • dont know of any books that explain or even portray autism in anything.

    although you can see characters and relate to them in anything... such as in anime/manga garou from one punch man lol sure hes a villain but very relatable. turned villain because he was the unpopular one, rejected both the ideas of the good and the bad because they are both popular groups who to him are equally evil and the cause of misery, he is alone and represents the under dog, the unpopular and down trodden. i felt that was pretty relatable despite being technically the villain lol

    but i doubt any western books would have such a thing as western stuff usually is black and white, usually with the popular good guy kid always being the lead and thus theres no room for the unpopular kid that a autist could relate to, and if anyone tries to make such a character they do it wrong and end up making them the center of attention as the protagonist and give them all the fame and friends in the story anyway. 

  • 10 Best Children's Books of All Time
    • Goodnight Moon by Margaret Brown (1947) ...
    • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969) ...
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    • The Cat in the Hat by Dr. ...
    • Charlotte's Web by E. B. White (1952) ...
    • Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (1955)