Advice please

Hi all,

First post so apologies if I get anything wrong!

I'm a 38 year old woman. I've always felt there was something different about me. After some recent issues at home and with my mental health, my partner and I started discussing whether I might have some ASD traits. He's quite experienced in mental health, and we've both passed comment on my experiences and behaviour in the past, but neither of us had taken it too seriously as I think I've learnt to mask really well without really knowing how. The more I read about it now, the.more sense it makes of my entire life. I've done some accredited screening questionnaires (AQ and EQ) and score well within the possible ASD range. We both know it's not enough for a diagnosis, but when partner was reading out the questions he was also quite surprised at how obviously me it was. 

Anyway, I'd be keen to pursue a proper assessment. Not for any other reason than to have some possible validation about all of this. Any thoughts/advice/experiences? This has all totally blown my mind to think there might have been something so clear that makes so much sense. 

  • i will send u my plan ( for NHS ) and notes in  a moment I am PMing someone in a crisis

  • i will send u my plan ( for NHS ) and notes in  a moment


  • Yeah - and the constant banal comments just to keep its name visible - I can't tell if it's a 30-year old shut-in or a 50 year old failure and is grossly overcompensating.    Either way, the need to direct new women to the discord server is creepy as hell - I wonder what personal information they scrape off new users.

    They brag about have different laptops - I guess that's so they can be logged in as different people at the same time while they cut-n-paste their pointless drivvle.

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  • And advertising the fact that you are exchanging private messages with a member in a crisis. What kind of behaviour is that? A deep need for excessive attention and admiration?

    It's a full-on Walter Mitty - an insignificant failure of a person trying to live a false life by creating a false reality where they can be king.

    It's deeply sad to have to live inside a false personality - especially one that sets claim to so much but delivers so little.

    Isn't the usual practice to use one of the sock-puppets to try to divert attention?

  • Sending unsolicited private messages to a member who has just posted. What kind of behaviour is that? Predatory? Appearing kind and helpful? Targeting vulnerable members – those who are in trauma, unhappy, or in your own words 'in a crisis'; initiating immediate exchanges with vulnerable people to get personal contact information? 

    And advertising the fact that you are exchanging private messages with a member in a crisis. What kind of behaviour is that? A deep need for excessive attention and admiration?

    I wonder if the person in crisis will be comfortable with you advertising what you are doing in the public forum.

  • You must have narcissistic personality disorder. Your every action on the forum is a reaction to the fear that another person is currently getting more attention than you. You constantly upvote your own comments (with multiple accounts) and downvote your victims—anyone who is stealing your limelight. You even include your name in threads. And when someone starts a thread that is popular, you immediately remind them of your own threads. Just to make it clear that this is your forum. Your territory.

    You comment on every thread, usually with banalities, just to ensure your name in there and everyone knows you are present. And then there's your attempts to lure people in distress and in vulnerable states into private messages, like some evil Svengali. What are you doing? Grooming them? Feeding off their pain? 

    And all this pretence of working from home. You spend every waking minute scanning this forum for new posts. Nothing adds up with you. It's all very sinister. And all this nonsense about being a zen practitioner? How can you claim to be a zen practitioner and then behave the way you do on this forum? If it wasn't so sad, it would be comical.

    I'm never wrong about people, and you give me a sickly feeling in my very being. There is something very bad about you.

    Isn't that the truth.

    And trying to divert vulnerable people to a Discord server - why?     Away from the openness of this forum?

  • piss off troll

    the Truth burns.

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  • Yes, it's so sinister. And classic narcissistic behaviour.  He comments on every single thread and has to see his name on them all. He even puts his name in the titles of threads. It's like he's trying to make this his own private forum. And the diversion of new female members to his private messages is extremely worrying behaviour.

  • people are quite happy to talk to me via PM because they are scared of u 2 trolls

    It's strange how many people pm me when they are uncomfortable with your sleazy behaviour - always looking for new vulnerable targets.

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