Advice please

Hi all,

First post so apologies if I get anything wrong!

I'm a 38 year old woman. I've always felt there was something different about me. After some recent issues at home and with my mental health, my partner and I started discussing whether I might have some ASD traits. He's quite experienced in mental health, and we've both passed comment on my experiences and behaviour in the past, but neither of us had taken it too seriously as I think I've learnt to mask really well without really knowing how. The more I read about it now, the.more sense it makes of my entire life. I've done some accredited screening questionnaires (AQ and EQ) and score well within the possible ASD range. We both know it's not enough for a diagnosis, but when partner was reading out the questions he was also quite surprised at how obviously me it was. 

Anyway, I'd be keen to pursue a proper assessment. Not for any other reason than to have some possible validation about all of this. Any thoughts/advice/experiences? This has all totally blown my mind to think there might have been something so clear that makes so much sense. 

Parents Reply
  • Yeah - and the constant banal comments just to keep its name visible - I can't tell if it's a 30-year old shut-in or a 50 year old failure and is grossly overcompensating.    Either way, the need to direct new women to the discord server is creepy as hell - I wonder what personal information they scrape off new users.

    They brag about have different laptops - I guess that's so they can be logged in as different people at the same time while they cut-n-paste their pointless drivvle.

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