No idea where to start

I am trying to figure out if working through the diagnosis process is worth while. I am in my mid 40’s diagnosed as dyslexic when I was a child along with a bunch late development esp reading and writing and limited social capability. Recently my employer told me that I need to change how I interact with people as I was to direct and blunt. I took this badly. On the positive side I am a very good data analyst and can do tasks few other seam unable  to grasp. 
I have taken and re taken the online questions, tired or awake or stressed or relaxed and each time it comes out with a score that tells me I should see a specialist, so should I speak to my doctor or just carry on ?

help or advice would be really good.


  • hi PWC

    here is the overall plan of waht to do plus my additonal notes in case you want to go for a diagnosis which i recommend as u appear to be having the same problems at work as me

    i am dyslexic and autistic

    Make a list of reasons why u think u are autistic.

    include blood relatives in your family who are autistic or adhd or called weird/different

    and a list of occasions when u have been called weird, autistic, different

    the list should be electronic ie so you can email it to anyone who wants it.

  • hi PWC

    here is the overall plan of waht to do plus my additonal notes in case you want to go for a diagnosis which i recommend as u appear to be having the same problems at work as me

    i am dyslexic and autistic

    Make a list of reasons why u think u are autistic.

    include blood relatives in your family who are autistic or adhd or called weird/different

    and a list of occasions when u have been called weird, autistic, different

    the list should be electronic ie so you can email it to anyone who wants it.

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