Newly Diagnosed and confused

Hi I am Mark,

I am 55 years old, I had an ASD assessment in March 2021. At the end of the assessment, I was diagnosed with autism (HFA).

I am currently finding it very difficult to understand my whole situation? I dont really know what is a "normal" feeling / reaction to everything about my diagnosis, especially from trying to get an insight from online sites and research on ASD, for example, im wondering is it true? I feel very confused and lonely?  what is it that I do differently than others? strengths! What strengths? what weakness do people see? over analysing things? very self critical, frustration! No confidence in myself! How do I change?
Are these feelings normal? I just need to understand a way forward for me. I still have not received the diagnosis report, which might give me an insight in a direction to go?
It is so difficult when you have been automatically just doing things your own way to cope for so long!
(without realising that, that is what I have been doing)
I am not an avid reader so the books that have been reccomende are not easy for me to absorb so I dont really read, if that makes sense?
Blogs or "My Stories" I read online dont seem to relate to "ME", or at least that is my perception.? Is this a normal reaction?
I have always felt the odd one out or not fitting in! Even now, I am saying to myself I dont even "fit in" in the ASD community!
Is this a normal reaction?
Apologies for ranting on, but at least I am seeking help or at least understanding for myself, something I would never have done prior to my diagnosis. I am happy I had the assessment and I am ok with the diagnosis, but it has opened so many questions and to be honest I do feel a bit frightened about it! Is this a normal feeling / reaction?
I know I am fine, I know there is help, I know worries pass etc. Its just how I feel at this moment in time. I know in an hour it will have passed. But I also know it will come back?
I just feel confused!
Thank you for listening...
  • Normal? What's normal? That said, a lot of us are 50+ and many of us are experiencing something similar. Bring all your questions here. We're all different but it's a good bet someone will recognise whatever your asking.

    I hope we can help you feel less confused and less lonely :-)

  • Dawn,

    Thank you so much, I have had great replies, I am so grateful, to each and everyone, it has really helped me.. I hope I can return the kindness everyone has shown me.. If I can help anyone in any way, I am more than happy to do so.

  • Dawn,

    Thank you so much, I have had great replies, I am so grateful, to each and everyone, it has really helped me.. I hope I can return the kindness everyone has shown me.. If I can help anyone in any way, I am more than happy to do so.
