
I know that this is a difficult subject but I would like to know if anyone here, in a relationship with an autistic person, has been driven to the brink of suicide? It would do me good to talk.... That said, my husband hasn't been diagnosed and probably never will be, because he can't start to see that he might have it or what it does to me, but he does have a lot of the traits. I have tried to make use of articles about what partners go through but that overwhelms him, he talked to his GP and was put on anti-depressants but stopped.... I think that we are at the end of our relationship but I don't see a way to go on. 

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  • Hi Adele and you are right, sometimes both partners have autistic traits. I actually ask myself whether that is not better as they then speak the same language, so to speak? I was speaking with my husband about that this afternoon. My first husband who had traits too eventually married a lady who he seems to be rather happy with and our daughters and her son were convinced that they fitted well together because of their autistic traits. Relationships are probably always easier if you speak the "same" language, as both understand better the other's needs. Thanks for caring and yes, it has been very tough.................................