
I'm not diagnosed... Yet.  I am pursuing it through private medical insurance.  I get ~39 on the AQ-50 and a checklist of autism in women symptoms reads like my personality.  Having said that, I only find myself feeling disabled when I'm around other people, if I'm with someone I know who knows me I'm fine, but otherwise I am useless at people!  I'm a walking social faux pas!

Being like this, I've felt alone my whole life.  I'm here because I want to feel like a valid human being, not some weird alien.

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  • well done dad Slight smile

    i have a walking meditation when my mind cant be stopped. I learned it from military combat guys/girls I worked with.

    as u walk,,, you say "sponge","bob","Square","Pants" in with each step

    after 100 yards ( steps ) your previous thoughts have melted away 

     talk to u later i have to go for a walk LOL

  • My Dad gave me a self-help book when I was about 14 and I memorised a guided relaxation from it.  I used that for years when I had problems.  It's only in the last 4 yearsor so I've really got into it.  I find it most helpful because my brain doesn't ever shut up.  Meditation forces it to Smiley

  • i have worked for about a year in "cold selling" call centres.  It was ok but it was hard work with ups and down in a week. 

    I have been in  several armies, worked on building sites, as admin worker, science researcher, and now I work in IT as a software tester. I work for Home due to COVID which is great,,,,,,, no office Slight smile

    how did u get into meditation?

    I researched for things that helped deal with anxiety and depression and found out that meditation had good results. So I thought I would have a go ,,,, why not ?

    It has reduced my anxiety and stopped my depression which is where I was going.

    Being autistic I found meditation hard ---- but I kept going and after 2 years the anxiety/depression was under control and not a problem anymore.


    how did u get into meditation?

  • I do Yoga as well, I have a desk job so it's a necessity in my life.  You would not believe how unconsciously stiff and tense I get when I'm working, it's a call centre job so I'm speaking to people all day.  Without my yoga and my meditation I would be in a permanent meltdown Sweat smile  Thankfully we've gone fully flexible in working from home.  My life has gone from practically unbearable to tolerable.

    I do breath-counting, mindfulness and compassion meditations, I like guided visualisation but it has to be very specific - I keep thinking I'll have to record myself reading the Right One that actually Works but then I remember I don't like the sound of my voice too much Joy

    How about you?

  • wow - good for u --- do u know what type u are using   ?

    is it mantra eg Om,  OR

    is it thought labelling, monitoring  OR

    is it breath counting or following OR

    is it a guided visualise meditation  OR

    is it from Yoga

    I do sitting ( following breath , sometimes mantra )  and walking and "By Doing" Meditations

  • I meditate every day myself :)