Adult female waiting for Autism assessment

Hi everyone, 

I am waiting for an assessment. The waiting list is about 6-8 months. This is a long time to be in 'limbo'. I am finding that my mind is very preoccupied with thoughts such as: "Am I/am I not autistic? What if I am? What if I'm not"? These thoughts can get very entangled and become all-consuming. Does anyone have any advice about how they coped with perhaps similar thoughts while they were waiting to be assessed? Thank you for reading. 

  • Going through the very same thing...kind of though to think about anything else.  I am recognising just about everything other than the steel trap memory.  No number fixations, but I'm a data manager and data is soothing...and whilst not a social phobe... I have mates, I didn't play with others in primary and still miss out on other people's motivations and jokes at times.  That said, any one of the things on the seeming endless list of stuff that IS there, I have always explained, and indeed they could be explained, by my dyslexia, an assortment of adverse childhood events, simple personality leaning, or an odd little quirk (surely everyone has a few)... But so many??

    I'm trying not to prejudge the assessment, but I do find myself now constantly analysing everything for arguments one way or the other.  I'm trying to cope by forcing my head to analyse my data instead, LOL.

  • Going through the very same thing...kind of though to think about anything else.  I am recognising just about everything other than the steel trap memory.  No number fixations, but I'm a data manager and data is soothing...and whilst not a social phobe... I have mates, I didn't play with others in primary and still miss out on other people's motivations and jokes at times.  That said, any one of the things on the seeming endless list of stuff that IS there, I have always explained, and indeed they could be explained, by my dyslexia, an assortment of adverse childhood events, simple personality leaning, or an odd little quirk (surely everyone has a few)... But so many??

    I'm trying not to prejudge the assessment, but I do find myself now constantly analysing everything for arguments one way or the other.  I'm trying to cope by forcing my head to analyse my data instead, LOL.

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