Any teachers out there?

Hallo all.....I am wondering if there are any teachers amongst you? I have been a primary school teacher for the last 30 years and , looking back I just don’t know how I managed to work as teacher whilst trying to cope with the SEND system for my son who has ASD. I am currently doing an MA in Education and have been reflecting on my experiences...I thought that there must be other parents like me...

  • Hi, I'm a teacher too - adult ESL. It suits me as any subtle communication difficulties are overlooked as I teach people whose first language is not English. I've done it for a number of years now and it's only since we have had lockdown and I was teaching from home, I realised how much it takes out of me each day. I think this is a combination of always being "swtiched on" asssessing student's language and then having to be "switched on" at break times when talking to colleagues. I'm getting better at managing this now. I can also see from my recent assessment how executive function difficulties play a part in my daily life at work.This was easier too when WFH.  I've never fancied teaching kids - althought there are behaviour management issues in adult education, I feel it would just take too much of my lessons to be dealing with it in children!! Are you still teaching or have completely given up?

  • I have been known to work as a TESOL teacher. I managed to get an OU MA in an ed subject too.

    I'm not a parent, however. I realised decades before I got a diagnosis that I was unlikely to ever become a parent.

    I tend to think that way about teaching too. Compared to very dedicated primary and secondary teachers in the UK (including some relatives), I feel rather like an imposter in teaching. So much that I just upped and retired when I self-identified a few years back.

    I now feel a great deal happier doing household and garden chores, and basically working for my own existence. I've always really preferred to do physical outdoor work.  i like the idea of returning to more formal work, and would probably carry on well into very old age given the opportunity. But not teaching. But definitely don't let my negativity ruin your outlook and plan. I would probably prefer to work alone or in a very small team. I kind of note that my antisocial side is mainly confined to formal work. i can be quite talkative in non-formal work & social situations

  • Hi, I'm not a teacher, I work as a SENCO in a nursery

  • short answer ---there are   they just havent noticed your post yet

  • Hi NAS72534,

    Welcome to the National Autistic Society- our online community! I hope you enjoy connecting with people here! You may find our information about 'a guide for teachers' useful,

    Hope it helps,

    Eunice Mod