Not exactly new - but it’s been a while

It’s been a few months since I was last here. So I thought I’d post as a ‘newbie’ as I’m sure loads have joined since I last posted.

I guess my hope is to meet people similar to me - I’d like to say friendships but I’m terrible on a social level so I don’t want to set the bar too high! I’ve been told I’m good at listening and advice and if there’s a clear topic I’m usually ok in conversation. I’m really keen to try to chat to new people at least!

I guess to describe myself - I’m a bit weird, but aren’t we all in our own way? I like history, aviation, wildlife, some tv, some books - I can’t say this advert for myself is doing me any favours! 

All the same is anyone wants to chat I’m here Slight smile

Parents Reply
  • Yea. Mostly birds. Am very attached to a Jay that I feed every day in the garden. 

    I'm always on the lookout for any other wildlife too. I wanted to make the garden more accessible to hedgehogs but it's not up to me as it's a communal garden and I'm not allowed to because we've had Rats use a hole in the fence that used to be there. 
