Not exactly new - but it’s been a while

It’s been a few months since I was last here. So I thought I’d post as a ‘newbie’ as I’m sure loads have joined since I last posted.

I guess my hope is to meet people similar to me - I’d like to say friendships but I’m terrible on a social level so I don’t want to set the bar too high! I’ve been told I’m good at listening and advice and if there’s a clear topic I’m usually ok in conversation. I’m really keen to try to chat to new people at least!

I guess to describe myself - I’m a bit weird, but aren’t we all in our own way? I like history, aviation, wildlife, some tv, some books - I can’t say this advert for myself is doing me any favours! 

All the same is anyone wants to chat I’m here Slight smile

Parents Reply
  • I like birds too - mostly those around my local pond as like you I have a communal garden. What you can always do to help hedgehogs is encourage your local town council to do things that are hog-friendly, for example things I’ve done is encouraged them to re-write policies at their local allotments to ban slug pellets, to include hedgehog highways on new developments and to raise local awareness of the need to help hedgehogs. It’s not quite the same as having them in your garden I know... but it all helps :) 

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