Autism and Tattoos on autism?

So I'm 43 and have never gotten a tattoo. The decision not to get one was purely a logical one. I rationed that we are continuously evolving and what our interests are today are not likely to appeal to us un the years to follow.

Anyone else think the same?

  • Never felt the urge to have a tattoo.  I sometimes get a felt pen and draw on myself without realising I'm doing it ( some sort of stimming I suppose!) but that is not really for decoration and is easily removed.  There are plenty of other things I'd rather spend my limited funds on than tattoos which on other people seem to fade to a blue colour and lose their vibrancy after a very short time.  My grandfather, who married in his teens, carried a tattoo of a girls name that was not my grandmother.  Some things are perhaps better not done!

  • Never felt the urge to have a tattoo.  I sometimes get a felt pen and draw on myself without realising I'm doing it ( some sort of stimming I suppose!) but that is not really for decoration and is easily removed.  There are plenty of other things I'd rather spend my limited funds on than tattoos which on other people seem to fade to a blue colour and lose their vibrancy after a very short time.  My grandfather, who married in his teens, carried a tattoo of a girls name that was not my grandmother.  Some things are perhaps better not done!

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