Autism and Tattoos on autism?

So I'm 43 and have never gotten a tattoo. The decision not to get one was purely a logical one. I rationed that we are continuously evolving and what our interests are today are not likely to appeal to us un the years to follow.

Anyone else think the same?

  • Got some tatts and a few piercings when I was a teenager, mostly because I could, but also because it garnered attention from the people around me at the time.  The piercings are long gone but the tattoos remain, serving as a daily reminder (as if one were needed) of the foolishness of my youth.  Risky behaviour was my thing, logic took a back seat.  That was my mask I suppose.

    Don't know how I managed tbh, stepped through the door and there were these 5 or 6 muscled skinhead biker guys all staring at me as if to say 'you lost?' lol.  I don't think I'd have the stones to even walk into a tattoo parlour today.  

  • Got some tatts and a few piercings when I was a teenager, mostly because I could, but also because it garnered attention from the people around me at the time.  The piercings are long gone but the tattoos remain, serving as a daily reminder (as if one were needed) of the foolishness of my youth.  Risky behaviour was my thing, logic took a back seat.  That was my mask I suppose.

    Don't know how I managed tbh, stepped through the door and there were these 5 or 6 muscled skinhead biker guys all staring at me as if to say 'you lost?' lol.  I don't think I'd have the stones to even walk into a tattoo parlour today.  

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