Potentially autistic

Hi everyone, I’m hoping you can give me some advice.

ever since I was young, I have felt different. I am female, and academically a bright person, but I’ve always struggled in social situations, and I’ve struggled with changes to my routine, such as when I went to secondary school and university. I also struggle sometimes with different fabrics against my skin (potentially a sensory issue?) When I was at secondary school, a friend from outside of school said to me that they thought I might be somewhere on the spectrum. I confided in a school friend about this who dismissed the idea, saying I was too intelligent to be autistic. 

Fast forward to now, and I’m 22 years of age. I started a job at the end of September, and am struggling. I enjoy my work, however struggled with the change to my routine at the time, and also feel like I struggle with the social side of things, eg in the break room. I don’t always know when it’s my turn to speak, and sometimes feel like I should have shut up already. There’s one member of staff, called Greg, who I got on with straight away, he’s probably the first person in my life I haven’t felt the need to try to pretend to fit in around. He just gets me, he is a few years older than me, and has a pet who I get the impression is kind of his world, and videos of him and this pet almost remind me of how I am with my dolly. Just saying that out loud seems really embarrassing: I am 22 years of age and I still need my dolly. Greg is autistic, and in his own words is high functioning- high ability and low sociability

Recently at work, we have been encouraged to do some online wellbeing tests, and to submit scores via an anonymous feedback form. This is to help management gauge the mood of the group as a whole given the current situation with Covid, the test indicated autistic traits. I haven’t currently shared this info with work. I then did an online autism quotient screening thing (I know they aren’t the most reliable thing, but it was the best I could do) which indicated that I could be somewhere on the spectrum. I am now freaking out. I am estranged from my family so couldn’t ask parents for support. Part of me wants to know whether I am somewhere in the spectrum, as it might help me explain why I struggle so much socially, and why I struggle with certain fabrics, but part of me wonders if I look into a diagnosis and am found to not have autism it might be worse for me, as there’s no reason for how I am. 

Im debating going private if I do seek an assessment, because waiting for an NHS referral would probably increase my anxiety, but part of me wonders if I’m making a fuss over nothing as I’m coping okay, but I’m exhausted from having to try and act normal. I’m also not entirely sure if I have the strength to do this on my own, without anyone to support me. If I am autistic, I’m clearly high functioning, because I’ve made it to 22 without it really being obvious (I wonder if I’m masking heavily though). 

I dont know  what to do. Does anyone have any advice?

  • Hi. I'm new here too and am thinking the same thing -- just going for a private diagnosis to get it over with. I have no idea how much it might cost or where to go looking though. And am aware that the pandemic will slow down an NHS diagnosis for quite a while... 

    I've been thinking that I probably have low end aspergers for a few years now. I'm in my fourties and am functioning, or always have been able to just about get away with it. I work in a creative industry so can be a bit oddball... but I struggle a little and also with relationships, whether friends or romantic... Knowing for sure would really help me to feel better about it all I think.

    Any advice welcome....

  • 800 - 1200 quid and i havent heard anyone here below 1000 quid.

    U think you are high functioning ? I think thats what u mean .... 

    yea its good u have someone take a look and give u quite valuable information which u can then build on.

    welcome to this autistic forum beanw  Slight smile

  • I've been managing and working around my weirdnesses.. and able to get away with seeming normal enough for it not to be noticed as anything other than I'm a bit quirky. Is that what high functioning means?

    I think it's actually a bad place to be, as it's never seemed problematic enough to deal with it, but I also put in an incredible amount of work to get by...

    And OK, that's quite a lot... my birthday is coming up, maybe I can ask for donations rather than gifts!

  • And - thanks - it's great to have found it!

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