I need help about my autism and life

I am a 15 year old boy who has been diagnosed with aspergers, adhd and more i cannot remember, Im just here to ask if people are experiencing about what I am about to say and if they can help me out because life is very hard right now, so the main thing I notice is my anger, I can get very angry easily over nothing like someone eating food loud or someone being loud in general or someone who is disturbing me when I am doing something and when I get angry I can't control myself and I either keep it in as much as possible then release it at home or outburst wherever I am, when I get angry the first thing I want to do is to shout at someone, call them names, or hurt myself, I either punch something alot of times or more recently bite myself on the arm multiple times which leaves several bruises, the pain doesn't bother me its just where harming myself can lead like doing alot worse which i have almost done on multiple occasions, I also have alot of suicidal thoughts, one time I got a long rope like thing and wrapped it around my neck and pulled as hard as i could just to feel something but it done nothing as usual. The reason I am telling everyone who reads this here is because I am too scared to tell anyone in real life like my parents or anyone else, I just badly need help and i am clueless on how to get it so if anyone could help me who has experienced the same as me I would be very grateful.

  • This sounds like my brother at your age. You need to find someone who can support you. Anyone is worth a shot - try telling your parents, is there another family member you could talk to, go back to your GP and ask for counselling, get an ADHD coach who has experience with autism, join some autism/ADHD groups on Facebook. In my experience, it feels so hard and scary to let people know how things really are for you but they can't help you until they know. It won't be as bad as you think. Help can come from the most unexpected places. And if you tell someone and nothing comes of it, find someone else to tell. The future you will thank you for each time you have the courage to tell someone. These issues are not your fault, not your choice but you do not want to be living with the guilt and consequences of your actions if you lose control (lost jobs, lost relationships, self-criticism, anxiety). I hope you manage to reach out to the people around you and are met with answers. You deserve to be the best you because you are unique and lovely just the way you are meant to be and you deserve to be supported in your journey through the stresses of life as we all do, neurotypical and neurodivergent alike. I truly wish you all the best.

  • This sounds like my brother at your age. You need to find someone who can support you. Anyone is worth a shot - try telling your parents, is there another family member you could talk to, go back to your GP and ask for counselling, get an ADHD coach who has experience with autism, join some autism/ADHD groups on Facebook. In my experience, it feels so hard and scary to let people know how things really are for you but they can't help you until they know. It won't be as bad as you think. Help can come from the most unexpected places. And if you tell someone and nothing comes of it, find someone else to tell. The future you will thank you for each time you have the courage to tell someone. These issues are not your fault, not your choice but you do not want to be living with the guilt and consequences of your actions if you lose control (lost jobs, lost relationships, self-criticism, anxiety). I hope you manage to reach out to the people around you and are met with answers. You deserve to be the best you because you are unique and lovely just the way you are meant to be and you deserve to be supported in your journey through the stresses of life as we all do, neurotypical and neurodivergent alike. I truly wish you all the best.

  • sorry for the late reply, haven't logged on in a while. Thanks for the reply, hopefully once I go back to school I'll get the help I need, these aren't bad ideas, It's just getting there which is the problem but they're definitely worth a try, It's good to know that there's good people like you out there who will give me the courage to ask for help.