
Hello I am new

recently doctor has decided I probably have Aspergers 

having difficulty finding a psychiatrist atm though to diagnose I am being bounced between doctors and ‘talk matters’

Just thought I would say hello I guess

  • Thank you Simon I’m sure it is

  • Hello welcome to the forum it’s a great community.

  • ok that changes things slightly i got my diagnosis to help my daughter, to not be afraid of coming forward. If she wants a diagnosis she can use me as proof that its in my family ( my mum is un-diagnosed ). So u getting a diagnosis sets down a marker for others in your family to use if need be.

    but  thats a small thing really

  • Thank you, I’m not ashamed or even fussed if I’m diagnosed with having anything, I don’t really feel the range of emotions people consider normal

    I know everyone is different and my goal in time is to feel more towards my children and help them have a normal and productive life

  • ok then diagnosis vis NHS takes about 2 years ask your GP to refer u and just go through it --- the process with help spot where u are weak and that then can be worked on (By  U ) to keep your clients. that is the only benefit to you.

    you can just keep it to yourself if u get an autism diagnosis but they may also spot other things such as OCD, anxiety, ADHD.  

    well done on running your own business, pity about covid-19  that didnt help much. 

    if u are staying here dont put up anything that can identify u or your business. its just a forum rule.

    apart from that enjoy your stay here

    the interaction with people is probably making you exhausted but please keep going at your business ( after covid ) because its good for u to mix with others.


  • I usually do about 6-10 clients a week and don’t have to talk much as I mainly remove pubic hair, I talk to some and act as normally as possible, I must do okay because I do get good reviews but it does get exhausting 

  • ok for u then a diagnosis would indicate the areas you are weak on and  would have to manage  ( yourself ). 

    do u have a sizeable number of cutomers (before covid )and could you handle them ok i mean no arguments or disputes no one says you are rude and u get good reviews ( facebook i am assuming u r on FB  ?)

  • it just that some employers react badly to a diagnosis. so that is out of the way.

  • Not atm due to lockdown but I’m 2 years into working for myself in the beauty industry

  • are u working  ? that is the first big question

  • Not sure what I want to talk about, no real interests or hobbies to say and no I can’t afford private

    plus what does an actual diagnosis really do for you?

  • hi and welcome to this forum.

    if you can add some details to your profile so people can connect with you more.  ( favourite music,art,books,games,websites,videos,pets anything that interests you )

    also  as soon as you can change NAS69970 to a name and add a nice picture which means something to you

    after a while move to the other discussions and feel free to take part.

    I recommend you start your own discussion about things you want to talk about

  • are u able to go private and spend a 1000-1200  quid on a private diagnosis ? 

    I " cant afford that" is a perfectly good answer

    if u are well off going private is a really good solution, but let us know if you are, as there are some really good people to go to.